Travel Daredevils identified as a dead couple from the Yosemite cliff dive


A young California-based living Indian couple from around the world was identified as the two people who lost their lives after sinking into a 3,500 foot lassis last week in Yosemite National Park.

Meenakshi Moorthy, 30, and her husband, 29-year-old Vishnu Viswanath, passed away on Wednesday from Taft Point, which offers breathtaking views of Yosemite Valley, Yosemite Falls and El Capitan – a scenic area made even more popular after the photograph of another couple. at an apparent wedding request.

The condemned pair was identified Monday by officials of Yosemite National Park, who were still trying to figure out how the daredevil couple had sunk in the valley, reports Mercury News.

"We still do not have a clear idea of ​​what happened," Park spokeswoman Jamie Richards told the newspaper. "We are still trying to collect it."

The couple – who married four years ago in a temple in India, according to the Associated Press – is presented as a "dream-maker duo" that has traveled the world over to document his trips to places such as the Grand Canyon, Paris, New York, Niagara Falls, London, Big Sur and other scenic destinations.

"We have been diagnosed with the" curious case of endless travel bug "and a big fan of happiness, we share with you our holiday getaways, our travel tips, our tips (and our jokes!)", Read a description of the couple's blog, "Holidays & Happily Ever Afters". "I will also shine my rosy light of positivity, from time to time, on what can be used near the ever elusive" happy, always, after all "-t means. "

The couple also maintained a staggering Instagram account – followed by over 13,000 people – that followed their travels around the world. In a March message, Moorthy was photographed as she watched a sunset on the north shore of the Grand Canyon, where she strangely announced the dangers of "standing on the edge of the cliffs," according to the message.

"Many of us, including yours, are really followers of rash attempts to stand on the edge of cliffs and skyscrapers, but did you know that gusts of wind can be FATALES ???" Moorthy wrote. "Is our life worth a photo?"

Moorthy, who wore a jacket with the words "Sunset Chaser," warned his supporters of the need to "have boundaries" in life.

"It's useful as life lessons too, but we'll come back to it later," she wrote.

In another post, the couple recalled their Indian roots, noting that he had watched "a lot of Bollywood movies" when visiting the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico in February.

In April 2017, the couple took a selfie in Times Square, New York, where a pink-haired Moorthy beamed with joy as taxis huddled behind them. Moorthy apparently had a close relationship with blog subscribers and interacted directly with many others.

"Every comment and conversation that we share with you all makes us undeniably a happy rabbit," she wrote.

The couple's bodies were found about 800 feet at the foot of a steep cliff of Taft Point. Their bodies were found a day later by rangers who worked for hours to reach them with the help of a helicopter from the California Highway Patrol.

The investigators informed the couple's relatives in India, Richards told the newspaper.

Viswanath, described as "a very indulgent and patient man" on the couple's blog, had been working as a software engineer at Cisco since July. The company's officials confirmed his death "with great sadness" to the newspaper in a statement.

"As usual, we will work together to support the family of the employee and our colleagues during this difficult time," the statement said.

Park officials, meanwhile, do not plan to install additional railings along the high cliffs above the Yosemite Valley.

"We continue to investigate what happened in this tragic accident," Richards told the newspaper. "When you arrive in a place like Yosemite National Park and you go to places with a majestic view, you expose yourself to an inherent level of personal risk."

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