Trevor Noah on Kavanaugh: "We should name him for the next season of Jersey Shore" | Culture


The late-night hosts discussed the latest news to suggest that Brett Kavanaugh was not totally honest about his heavy drinking history.

Trevor Noah

The daily show

Kavanaugh unleashed while a young man does not stop him from sitting on the Supreme Court, but lying in the Senate about it could do that.

October 3, 2018

At the Daily Show, Trevor Noah talked about the importance of honesty in this particular area. "Apart from a dark complexion, honesty is what you want the most from a Supreme Court judge," he said.

The last strike against the Supreme Court candidate concerns his consumption of alcohol. During his audition, Kavanaugh denied having a problem, but a police report resurfaced revealing that he was involved in a bar fight during his studies.

"Kavanaugh may not be fit to sit on the Supreme Court, but we should name him for the upcoming Jersey Shore season," Noah joked.

He continued: "Do you know how tough a fight must be to get the police summoned against a white man?"

Kavanaugh allegedly threw his drink into someone's face after mistakenly assuming he was the lead singer of UB40. "If you throw a drink at a person's face because she's not the main singer of UB40, it's either you who have drunk a ton of shit, or you're just crazy," he said. he declares.

Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert also addressed the same topic on the show The Late Show. "If you know UB40, you're at least 40," he joked.

Colbert continued, "Nothing could be more stereotypical than a college in the 1980s. And after? Kavanaugh teamed up with James Spader to steal Molly Ringwald's underwear and throw them into the pool where Phoebe Cates sunbaths, while John Cusack holds a boombox on his head shouting "I want my MTV"? "

Yesterday, Donald Trump told the press that lying in Congress was problematic and, while impressive, Colbert replied: "Lying is a bit my thing and we can not attack women because I have too. "

Seth Meyers

In the late evening with Seth Meyers, the host decided to review the work of Stephen Miller ("Trump's favorite ghoul") and his cruel immigration policy, which has been less covered since the court's controversy supreme.

While he was working to fight illegal immigration, he was also trying to downplay legal immigration by making it more difficult for the government to award benefits. Meyers played a clip on Fox & Friends where an expert says that families avoiding government funding for health are planted by the left to give the impression that Trump is racist. "The left has nothing to do to make Trump more racist," retorted Meyers before listing the evidence.

Meyers thinks that Trump and Miller have two things in common: "They are racist and hate the poor."

He also expressed surprise about Miller's age. "It's hilarious that this guy is 33," he joked. Even his hair does not want to be associated with him. "

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