Trial lawyers behind Rhode Island's global warming over big oil


Rhode Island's global warming lawsuit against 21 oil companies is coordinated with litigators who make millions, if not billions, of dollars on similar lawsuits across the country.

The Sher Edling LLP plaintiffs' company handles six other lawsuits brought by California cities and counties against oil companies, including ExxonMobil, Chevron and BP. Sher Edling treats these cases in exchange for a percentage of judicial gains, called a contingency fee.

Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin announced Monday a lawsuit against oil companies, alleging that defendants knew "for nearly 50 years that greenhouse gases pollution of their fossil products has an impact "

However, Kilmartin's statement does not mention coordinating with trial lawyers to take legal action against global warming." Kilmartin Kilmartin, a Democrat, He did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation when he was questioned about contingency fees Sher Edling could reap if the court

Kilmartin joined a group of state attorneys general , led by former New York AG Eric Schneiderman, dedicated to achieving the goals of the Paris climate agreement, which the Trump administration plans to withdraw in two years, 19659002] Rhode Island will become the first state to sue oil companies for alleged damages caused by global warming, but they are only the latest state officials to turn to the lawyers of the trial. (RELATED: Does Air Pollution Cause Diabetes?)

Sher Edling deals with oil lawsuits against the weather, arguing, as in Rhode Island, Alleged Damages Kilmartin's complaint alleges that the oil companies "were hiding the dangers, seeking to undermine public support for greenhouse gas regulations and engaging in massive campaigns to promote continued use." growing of their products at any time. "

The costumes mimic the tactics used against the tobacco industry, which is exactly what the Democratic politicians advocate. Whitehouse, for example, has asked the Department of Justice to launch anti-racket investigations on fossil fuel companies.

"The state of the ocean has so much to play in the fight against climate change"

"I congratulate Attorney General Kilmartin for his leadership in the responsibility of the world's most powerful companies for the damage they cause to our coastal economy, our infrastructure and our way of life, "he added. , a federal judge dismissed a similar suit brought by San Francisco and Oakland against five major oil companies, including Exxon, Chevron and BP.

District Judge William Alsup, appointed by Clinton, dismissed the lawsuit in late June, saying "the complainants' theory is breathtaking."

"This would sell fossil fuels all over the world, including all lawful sales, where the seller knew that burning fossil fuels contributed to the phenomenon of global warming," Alsup ruled.

Sher Edling did not respond to TheFNN's request to comment.

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