Trichomoniasis: 7-day metronidazole should be the treatment of choice in women


A new study conducted by an infectious disease epidemiologist at Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine could change the way doctors treat a common sexually transmitted disease.

Professor Patricia Kissinger and a team of researchers found that the recommended single dose of medication was not enough to eliminate trichomoniasis, the most common curable STI, which can lead to serious birth complications and make people more vulnerable HIV. The results of the research are published in Infectious diseases lancet.

Trichomonas vaginalis / CDC
Trichomonas vaginalis / CDC

It is estimated that 143 million new cases of trichomoniasis among women occur each year in the world. Most of them have no symptoms. Yet, infection causes invisible problems. The recommended treatment for more than three decades is to administer a single dose of antibiotics, metronidazole or tinidazole.

The researchers recruited more than 600 women for the randomized trial in New Orleans; Jackson, Mississippi; and Birmingham, Alabama. Half of the women took a single dose of metronidazole and the other half were treated for seven days.

Kissinger and his team found that women who received multiple doses of treatment were half as likely to still suffer from the infection after taking all the medications, compared to women who took only one drug. a single dose.

TV epidemic

"There are about 3.7 million new cases of trichomoniasis every year in the United States," Kissinger said. "This means that many women have not received inadequate treatment for several decades."

Trichomoniasis can lead to premature delivery in pregnant women and babies born to infected mothers are more likely to have low birth weight. The parasite can also increase the risk of contracting or transmitting HIV.

Kissinger thinks the CDC will change its treatment recommendations because of the results of this study.

"We need evidence-based interventions to improve health," Kissinger said. "We can not do anything anymore because that's what we've always done. I hope this study will help modify the recommendations so that women can get the proper treatment for this common curable STD. "

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