Triple H allegedly tore a pectoral muscle at Crown Jewel


The controversial trip to Saudi Arabia for the "Crown Jewel" event has seen one of the pillars and senior leaders of WWE injured.

Triple H, 49, won the team match with Shawn Michaels against The Undertaker and Kane. However, the Executive Vice President, Talent, Live Events & Creative did not leave for health. He reportedly tore a pectoral muscle that will require a return to the United States for surgery next week rather than continuing with the traveling caravan as it embarks on a European tour.

It is believed that the injury to his right side occurred early in the match when Triple H was whipped into a corner and passed over the ropes and out of the ring.

Apart from that, the four participants in the big attraction total 206 years. Sports entertainment is stimulating enough when athletes are at their best, let alone when they have that kind of mileage.

The event has unfolded under a cloud of controversy. WWE has decided to go ahead despite the international outrage aroused by the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The company issued a press release with its third quarter earnings report: WWE has been in the Middle East for almost 20 years and has developed a large and dedicated fan base. Given the heinous crime committed at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, the company faced a very difficult decision regarding its event scheduled for Nov. 2 in Riyadh. Similar to other US companies that plan to continue operations in Saudi Arabia, the Company has decided to meet its contractual obligations to the General Sports Authority and to organize the event. Forecasts for the whole of 2018 are based on the organization of the Riyadh event as planned.

Triple H is the husband of Stephanie McMahon and the son-in-law of Vince McMahon.

Triple H has already suffered serious injuries. In 2001, he blew a quadricep in one leg and suffered the same injury on the other leg in 2007.

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