Tristan Thompson gets ripped off on Instagram


In the midst of rumors that Tristan Thompson and Khloé Kardashian are again on the rocks as a result of even more misleading speculation (nothing has been proven nor confirmed, FYI!), The basketball player hit Instagram to celebrate a new season with the Cleveland Cavaliers. No big, no?

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The problem is that, recently, the news has been reported that Khloe did not follow him to Cleveland because of their latest issues, and commentators let Tristan know how they feel about a not so subtle trolling.

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The burns include "it's good to be loyal to Khloe too, try it" and "a pity you can not feel good about being a good man".

To be honest, it's unclear exactly what's going on with Tristan and Khloe, but judging by her many instinctive reflections on mannnyyyyyy, and the fact that she did not move to Cleveland, things do not seem to 100%.

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