Tropical storm Florence: couple postpones wedding after storm, donates flowers to cancer patients


CONCORD, N.C. – A couple from North Carolina whose wedding was postponed due to Hurricane Florence made sure that their flowers were not wasted.

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The couple, along with their florist, donated floral arrangements to patients at Atrium's Health Levine Cancer Institute in Concord, the WSOC reported.

As each patient completed his chemotherapy or infusion treatment, they were chosen.

"Whenever someone does something good for someone who is going through cancer, it's great," said patient Patricia Riser. "And the flowers, of course, are just great. And everyone, everyone loves flowers and I love flowers too.

Riser has sent thanks to the couple.

"I think it's wonderful that you've thought of someone else, especially during this time that you're going through because you had to cancel your wedding, that you've been caring enough to think about someone else." another one. It's just amazing that people can do that when they go through things too, and we've learned that not only are we going through something, but that other people are also going through things, "said Riser.

Laura Blackwell of Atrium Health described the situation as "brilliant for patients," the WSOC reported.

"The patients were delighted when they saw all the beautiful flowers being brought in. We are happy to know that they were going to be able to get those flowers when they left today." infusion, "she said.

While North Carolina remains under the cloud of tropical storm Florence, patients who brought back these fresh flowers will recall that there are good things in the world.

"Thinking they would be so generous that they would like to contribute to the community and worry about the joy of people they did not know is pretty special," Blackwell said. "It does not happen very often and it's always a blessing to be able to see it."

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