Tropical storm likely to form, to roll towards the American coast of the gulf


A disruption off the coast of Central America is likely to turn into a tropical storm that could lead to heavy rains and floods in parts of Mexico, Cuba and the US Gulf Coast, National Hurricane said on Saturday. American Center.

According to forecasters, Tropical Storm Michael is expected to form Sunday night and reach the Gulf Coast by Wednesday. A tropical storm warning was in effect for the western tip of Cuba, while a tropical storm watch had been launched for the resort area of ​​the Yucatan Peninsula, from Tulum to Cabo Catoche.

Forecasters said they were not predicting that the storm would reach the strength of a hurricane, but that it could bring 3 to 7 inches (7.5 to 17.5 centimeters) of rain over. west of Cuba and 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimeters) on the Yucatan Peninsula and Belize.

The storm was concentrated about 250 km south of Cozumel, Mexico, Saturday night, and was heading north at 6 mph (9 km / h), with sustained maximum winds of 30 mph (45 km / h).

Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Category 3 hurricane Sergio, located at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula, was 1,810 kilometers (1,858 km) long and was blowing at 125 km / h. .

But forecasters have said they expect it to turn around early next week and return to the Baja California peninsula while weakening it.

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