Troy, Mo. woman accused of stealing drugs from a terminally ill girl | St. Louis News


TROY, Mo. ( – A woman from Troy, Mo. is charged with stealing pain medication from her terminally ill daughter and mistreating her.

Carol Ballweg

Photo of Carol Ballweg

Carol Ballweg is accused of stealing a controlled substance and abusing an elderly, disabled or vulnerable person.

Police say she is the caretaker of her 20-year-old terminally ill girl in palliative care. Her daughter's doctors told the police that they called the Ballweg hotline and the Missouri Department of Health and Seniors was investigating.

The staff of Troy Family Practice stated that Ballweg's daughter had been prescribed fentanyl and oxycodone and that Ballweg had repeatedly requested that they be delivered sooner than necessary.

Because they were worried about Ballweg's daughter, the doctors screened for urine, which showed no sign that prescribed drugs were in her system. The police said the doctors then decided not to fill the prescriptions in the future.

The medical staff also told the officers that Ballweg's daughter had developed bedsores.

Troy police searched Ballweg's home on Tuesday. During the search, the police stated that Ballweg had admitted that she had an opioid addiction and was using prescribed oxycodone to her daughter.

Ballweg is fined $ 100,000 in cash only, who is asked not to contact her daughter when she is released from prison.

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