Trump accuses Twitter of "illegal" prejudices against Republicans in search results


President Trump listens to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, during a joint statement on trade at the White House on Wednesday. (Jabin Botsford / Washington Post)

President Trump took Thursday on Twitter to accuse the social media platform of trying to silence the Conservatives by a "discriminatory and illegal practice" and appearing to threaten an investigation on the business. [19659003Duringmonthspublicreadersclaimedthattheywerethevictimsofwhattheycalled"thebindban"thisisignificanthattheirwebsitewasnotconcealedfromtheuserslimitingtheirportal report published Wednesday in Vice News fueled these fears, as some search results on Twitter did not seem to reveal the accounts of the Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel and several other party members. find democratic accounts.

Twitter said that some recent changes to his search algorithm were to blame and that he was working to solve the problem. But the report again drew a brusque reprimand on Thursday from Twitter's most prominent Republican user.

"Prominent Twitter Republicans" SHADOW BANNING "Not good," Trump wrote to his 53 million followers. "We will examine this discriminatory and illegal practice at once! Many complaints."

A spokesman for Twitter declined to comment on the president's tweet. The social media company said that she was aware that some accounts are not automatically filled in the search box and addresses the issue.

A day earlier, Kayvon Beykpour, product manager for Twitter, said the platform was not targeting Republicans. and was working to modify his use of "behavioral signals" that inform his research results. Twitter has tinkered with the guts of its platform to promote a healthy conversation on a site that sometimes contains political or abusive content.

"To be clear, our behavioral rankings are not judgments based on political views or the substance of the tweets The tweet of the president Thursday could create new political concerns for Twitter and its counterparts in Silicon Valley, which were accused – from the highest echelons of the Republican party – to be accused of bias against the conservatives.Convention members have already dragged big tech business leaders to Capitol Hill to respond to party allegations caught anti-conservative, and some lawmakers of the GOP even threatened to regulate the industry at an audition earlier this month

.To make Twitter a safe space for free expression, "reacted Nick Pickles, a political assistant who testified on behalf of Twitter at the hearing

In this latest controversy, search in the top right search bar of Twitter for curators such as McDaniel did not automatically report their official accounts, but those accounts on the right appeared when users clicked on the site's more complete search page. The extent of the problem is however not clear given the fact that Twitter is likely to be self-suggest.

accounts that users are already following or might be inclined to like.

Despite Twitter Explanations, McDaniel and Other Republicans Continue to Criticize the Company "The notion that social media companies would suppress some political views should concern all Americans," McDaniel said Wednesday. "Twitter owes the public's answers to what's really happening."

Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, also weighed, sending a tweet Wednesday that said: "So now @Twitter censor @GOPChairwoman?"

In the past, Twitter admitted to making mistakes, apologizing even after an incident last year where he had initially banned a GOP congressman from promoting a tweeted video on abortion.However, the general manager of Twitter Jack Dorsey attempted to defuse tensions with conservatives through a series of private meetings with right-wing media and political leaders, including a trip to the nation's capital in June, including a dinner with Mercedes Schlapp, One of Trump's best assistants, and Greta Van Susteren, a former Fox News host, previously announced sources at The Post Some participants told Dorsey that they thought the Conservatives had been p negative on the Site's Moments site, which tracks national stories and issues. Others have raised concerns about the ban on the shadows.

But the complaints are not necessarily destined to disappear as the mid-term elections draw near. Already, accusations of anti-conservative bias have made their way into the campaign campaigns of some Republicans to voters. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Who is seeking to become Speaker of the House next year, has posted Facebook ads to raise funds for allegations of anti-government bias. -server on social media

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