Trump addresses to hundreds of young black conservatives and congratulates Kanye


By Chandelis R. Duster

WASHINGTON – During the 2016 campaign, the current candidate, Donald Trump, has always tried to reach out to black voters by asking a controversial question: "What the heck do you have to lose?"

On Friday, in front of hundreds of young black conservatives attending a White House leadership summit, Trump reminded members of his campaign that the issue was disrespectful to African Americans.

"I said," What is disrespectful? What do you have to lose? "What is disrespectful?" Said Trump to the busy crowd. "And then I repeated it at every speech, and you know what, my polls, you've seen, with African Americans, have increased, increased, increased, increased." [African-Americans] began to say, "He's right."

"Too bad for the purported handlers, right?" Trump joked.

For him, the question resonated with black voters.

The black caucus members of Congress were not in agreement.

In response to his remarks and a few months after taking office, the CBC met with Trump and presented him with a 130-page document entitled "We have a lot to lose" describing the issues that affect the African-American community. In September, Radio-Canada aired "We Lost A Lot", a video describing what African Americans lost under the Trump administration, including Trump's remarks about the NFL's kneeling controversy and the repression of voters.

Trump received 8% of the African-American vote in the 2016 election.

His appearance on Friday was part of the four-day Black Black Leadership Summit, sponsored by non-profit curator Turning Points USA. Throughout his speech, the president accused Democrats of "eliminating high-paying jobs" in the black community and contributing to high rates of downtown crime and poverty. .

Trump mentioned that the unemployment rate had dropped to 3.7% and that it is the lowest in almost 50 years, according to an employment report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Trump congratulated former NFL player Jim Brown and Kanye West, citing his meeting with them earlier this month in the Oval Office

"I think Kanye is perhaps the most powerful man in all politics," said Trump, adding that the rapper was a "little different" but "smart".

He spoke about criminal justice reform, how he is trying to drive down the price of drugs and to conclude trade deals – all familiar themes Trump addressed during the election campaign.

The enthusiastic group of fans, mostly dressed in red hats from MAGA, applauded throughout the speech, which lasted about 40 minutes. Sometimes the group broke out in the United States. When he mentioned the crackdown on illegal immigration and the caravan of migrants, the group was booed and chanted: "Build this wall!" -American communities and Hispanic-American communities by cutting wages and reducing replacing the workers, this is happening and is very unfair, "he said.

Candace Owens, Trump Substitute and Director of Communications for Turning Points USA, tweeted Thursday night, "the conservative black movement descended on Washington DC". Donald Trump Jr. has accumulated similar critiques online, calling the gathering "the biggest conservative black top of all time."

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