Trump adopts the title "nationalist" at a rally in Texas


"A globalist is a person who wants the world to go well, not really caring as much about the country.You know we can not have that," Trump said, causing the crowd to blame.

"You know what I am, I'm a nationalist," he added, as the crowd burst into "USA! USA!" songs. "Use this word."

This comment marks the first time that Trump has been directly associated with the political ideology, which has long been defining its prospects and the protectionist trade policies it has applied to stimulate domestic manufacturing.

The remark was voiced during a nearly hour and a half rally in the arena where the Houston Rockets are located, where the president has gathered his base in this very red state, 15 days before mid-term, raising fears of illegal immigration. to paint Democrats as criminal accomplices and bask in the glory of his achievements.

While his visit was apparently aimed at strengthening Senator Ted Cruz's candidacy, the president stepped in after an introduction by his former political foe by addressing the elephant in the room.

"You know, we had our little troubles," said Trump laughing in front of the nearly-filled 18-seat Toyota Center in Downtown Houston.

Trump said Cruz and he started the 2016 presidential campaign as allies, bringing the conservatives to Washington at the start of the campaign. But eventually, says Trump, the two men decided that it was "time" to start hitting each other.

"And it's got mean," Trump said.

But since his election, Trump said, Cruz is one of his main congressional allies.

"And then it's over and I'm going to tell you, nobody helped me more than your senator, with your regulation, with all things … including the army and our veterinarians, that Senator Ted Cruz, "said Trump. as he had predicted "in just 15 days, the people of Texas will re-elect a man who has become a very good friend of mine".

It was a radical change from Spring 2016 when Trump was making this same base of support a frenzy against "Lyin" Ted.

Earlier on Monday, the president gave the senator from Texas two nicer nicknames.

"For me, it's no longer Lyin 'Ted – he's gorgeous – he's in Texas – I call him Texas Ted," Trump said as he left the White House heading to Houston.

RELATED: Texas Democrats need a large turnout to win. Polls suggest that they will not get it.

"No, Ted Cruz and I ran a very, very nasty and difficult campaign, it was a very competitive competition – a very difficult campaign, and when we finished we got together – and, by the way, very late in the La People were shocked, I said, "Do not worry, it's only a matter of time," Trump said.

To the dismay of some Republicans in tighter races, Trump was attempting in Texas to ensure that Cruz repels a challenge from Democratic Rep. Beto O. Rourke, whose energetic campaign has puzzled some Republicans.

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The Trump rally in Texas is only the last leg of the presidential election campaign that preceded the mid-term elections of November 6, shortly after the end of last week in the states of the United States. 39; West.

And the president has largely adhered to the closing argument that he has developed over the past week to convince his supporters to support Republicans who vote for a negative vote, illegal immigration. at the heart of his message.

While a caravan of several thousand migrants heads from Central America to the US border, the president launched his rhetoric, warning voters – without evidence – against criminal elements anchored in the caravan and saying earlier Monday (also without proof). among them were people from the "Middle East".

In his latest speech against the Democrats and Immigration policies for which he holds them responsible, Trump often linked Democrats to crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.

Trump makes the caravan of migrants a political problem. Here are the facts.

"The Democrats have launched an assault on the sovereignty of our country, the security of our country and the security of every American," said Trump, blaming them entirely for "the crisis at our border".

After falsely accusing the Democrats of wanting to "give foreigners free access to social assistance and the right to vote" and "open borders," the president stressed the importance of To enlarge the Republican majorities in Congress in order to change the laws on immigration.

"We do not have enough votes, for example, in the Senate, we need 60 votes, we have 51. We need 60 votes, so they do not allow us to do it. and hurt innocent Americans, "Trump said, before plunging into MS-13's crimes, accusing the" Democrats' immigration policies "of allowing gang members and drugs to illegally enter the country. United States.

At one point, Trump detailed the brutality of MS-13, explaining that the gang preferred to use knives rather than firearms.

"They like to cut people into slices," said the president. "Kill them, slice them."

Trump will then rally fans from Wisconsin and North Carolina, then week in Illinois.

Monday's protest took place as he continued to face one of the most serious diplomatic crises of his presidency, the aftermath of the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, killed by Saudi agents in Saudi consulate in Istanbul earlier this month.

Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first time on Friday that Saudi officials had killed Khashoggi, but claimed that there was an accidental death resulting from a fight at the fist – an explanation that contradicts the story of the Turkish government and other essential facts.

Trump, however, turned away from this problem at rallies, focusing instead on his achievements as president and warning his supporters that the progress of democracy in Congress would bring disaster to the country.

He did not address Khashoggi's question at his rally on Monday night.

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