Trump, allies ready for the face-to-face on the first day of NATO


Trump is facing a similar framework in Brussels as NATO member countries gather for the annual summit of the alliance while Trump continues to talk about the insufficient defense spending of European allies and unfair trade relations. Trump sent threatening letters to NATO allies before his visit to warn major allies that they could lose support from the United States unless they increase their defense spending

and the US President's summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. fear that Trump will become too close to the United States and the most prominent antagonist of Europe.

  Trump says that Putin's encounter is perhaps the easiest. Trump says that Putin's meeting could be the

Trump has already suggested that he was looking forward to this meeting more than any part of his trip.

"I have NATO, I have the United Kingdom, which is in some turmoil, and I Putin, frankly, may be the easiest of all, who could think, Who would think? Trump said Tuesday that he was leaving the White House

While Putin did not submit any criticism until his meeting with Trump, the arrival of the US president in Europe has already been welcomed by warnings from top European leaders Towards Tuesday, European Council President Donald Tusk sought to fix colored markers for the arrival of Trump

"Dear America, appreciate your allies", said Tusk before the arrival of Trump on Tuesday. "After all, you do not have many."

Tusk also urged the European members of NATO to spend more on defense, but noted: "The money is important, but the solidarity is more important."

Before his arrival e In Belgium, the US president tried to sow discord and force the project before he arrived at the G7 in Quebec City last month, when he criticized the G7's allies for trade before reaching his foreign colleagues as if anything, it was. . This time, he insisted on his feeling that the United States bore an unfair burden of defense costs of the NATO alliance

"Many NATO countries that we are supposed to be defending not only short of their current commitment of 2% (which is low), but are also late for many years in payments that have not been made, will they repay the United States? "Trump tweeted on Tuesday, quickly following this tweet with an accusing the European Union of" making it impossible for our farmers and workers and businesses to do business in Europe. "

US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison, meanwhile, stressed the importance of strengthening the alliance before Trump's visit – indicating some cognitive dissonance with President.

"The main thing, the main deliverable, the major theme of this summit will be the strength and unity of NATO," said Hutchison. Before making a list of NATO projects to strengthen the alliance, she stressed that "the emphasis on burden sharing", Hutchison insisted that "each of our allies – – 100% – increase defense spending "and note that US allies" are on track to make the 2% commitment "regarding defense spending as a share of GDP. [19659013] [ad_2]
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