Trump Allies Under Mueller Scrutiny Cry FBI Trapping


The latest revelation of Roger Stone and Michael Caputo at the To post is a good example: neither Stone nor Caputo told the Committee of the House 's information, during the sworn testimony last year, that the Russian national, Henry Greenberg, had attempted to sell the company. detrimental information on Hillary Clinton. Caputo told me that he did not remember his interaction with Greenberg in May 2016 before his interview with Mueller's team last month. (He says that he talked to agents about a second interaction that he had with Greenberg at a charity event held in Miami in January 2017). Yet Caputo is not worried about being parjured before Congress – he thinks Greenberg was an FBI informant when he approached the campaign, and that the office should answer for its use of human sources during the elections. Hours after To post The story broke, the Caputo spokeswoman sent a press release extolling her exhibition of "another FBI informant."

"It is important to note that I disclosed this to Mueller after they asked me a very general question about whether a Russian ever approached me with information." on Hillary Clinton's campaign, "said Caputo. "It bothers me that the Obama FBI is investigating the Republican presidential candidate, but that really worries me that they used a violent Russian criminal extraterrestrial to join the fray." Greenberg , who appears to have helped the FBI between 2008 and 2012, was charged in Los Angeles in 1994 with a deadly weapon, according to the records obtained by the To post.

The wife of Papadopoulos, Simona Mangiante, who asked Trump to forgive Papadopoulos, used a similar argument: In an interview with The daily caller, she said "it was George who brought Mifsud to the FBI" – a reference to Joseph Mifsud, a mysterious Maltese professor who told Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had dirt on Clinton. Mangiante added that she believed that the FBI was using Stefan Halper, a long-time FBI and CIA source who teaches at the University of Cambridge, to target Papadopoulos "and infiltrate her. She claimed that Papadopoulos been the target of other "highly suspicious" approaches during the elections.

While Halper reportedly approached Trump's campaign at the request of the FBI, there is no evidence that Greenberg acted as an FBI informant when he offered the campaign to Clinton in May 2016. He was asked why he he had not informed the FBI Caputo said that he and Stone "thought that Greenberg was a nutty and no worries, and that he was not picturing himself as a Russian government agent." Caputo said that he now believes that Greenberg has been allowed to stay in the United States because he's still working for the FBI. He asked why the Special Adviser's team had questioned him last month about his contacts with Greenberg, and why the FBI agents "knew so much about this meeting" with Greenberg "who was so minimal" ( Stone said that he had not met her yet, or even contacted by Mueller's team.)

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