Trump and the GOP fight in the Big 10 Country


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WASHINGTON – Tonight at 7:30 pm ET, President Donald Trump holds a rally at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Tomorrow, he goes to Pennsylvania. And on Friday, he is campaigning in Ohio. All are states that he won in 2016 and all of the states in which he and the Republican party are currently struggling.

In Iowa, it is highly likely that the GOP will lose the state governor's palace, as well as two seats (IA-1 and IA-3, which include Council Bluffs). In Michigan, the Democrats seem ready to win big victories. Ditto in Minnesota (although the government is trying to win a few seats in the House in rural areas of the state).

In Ohio, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown is on his way to victory, while the race for the governorship is thrilling. In Pennsylvania, Democrats have a head start on the Senate and Governor seats, and they could win four or five seats in the House. And in Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker is in the fight of his political life.

Despite all the attention given to this cycle on the redest races of the Red Senate – in North Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia – one of the biggest developments of 2017- 2018 is the delay taken by Trump and the GOP in the states that finally decided on Election 2016.

Which raises the question: are Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin an "asset country"? Or were these states more "anti-Hillary countries?" We could very well get an answer on polling day 2018.

Trump will make an announcement on ethanol in Iowa

In an effort to strengthen his fortune in the Hawkeye State, Trump will make this announcement via the Des Moines registry. "After months of false starts, President Donald Trump will tell Iowans Tuesday at a campaign rally at Council Bluffs that he opens the door to permanent access to gasoline-containing blends based on ethanol higher. "

Plus: "A senior White House official said on Monday that Trump had asked the Environmental Protection Agency to begin setting rules allowing the use of 15% ethanol or E15 gasoline. The announcement announces a study that could make E15 available to consumers as early as next summer. "

Trump falsely claims that Kavanaugh was "innocent". A majority of Americans disagree, according to CNN poll

At the swearing-in of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which took place on Saturday night, Trump said:

"On behalf of our country, I wish to apologize to Bret and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure.

Those who engage to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of political and personal destruction, based on lies and deceit. What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates all the notions of fairness, decency and respect for legality.

Our country, a man or a woman, must always be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. And with that, I must say that you have been cleared, sir, under historical control, thank you. "

Except that Kavanaugh has never been "innocent"; instead, it was confirmed by a vote of 50 to 48 along (mostly) party. And according to a CNN poll released yesterday, 52% of Americans said they believed the women who had laid charges against Kavanaugh, compared with 38% of those who believe Kavanaugh. In addition, 51% of those questioned oppose the confirmation of Kavanaugh, against 41% of people in favor (-10) – 38% of people in favor and 39% of non-favorable a month ago (-1).

If Rick Gates and the 2016 Trump campaign were looking at this question, what were they looking at?

"A senior Trump campaigner in 2016 asked an Israeli company to offer to create fake identities online, manipulate social media and gather information to help defeat Republican opponents and Hillary Clinton, according to interviews. and copies of the proposals, "the New York Times writes. Campaign leader Rick Gates solicited a proposal to use fake characters to target and influence 5,000 delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention by attacking Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Trump's main opponent Another proposal describes opposition research and "complementary intelligence activities" for Clinton and her relatives, based on copies of New York Times proposals and interviews with four people. involved in creating the documents. "

"There is no evidence that the Trump campaign followed up on these proposals, and Mr. Gates was ultimately not interested in the work of Psy-Group," said one person familiar with the discussions, in part because other campaign staff were developing a social media strategy. Psy-Group owner Joel Zamel met in August 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., Trump's eldest son. Investigators working for Robert S. Mueller III, a special adviser to investigate the Russian campaign to disrupt the 2016 election and determine whether Trump associates have conspired, have obtained copies of the proposals and interviewed employees of the group Psy-Group, according to people close to these interviews. "

It's Kanye versus Taylor Swift – again

After Taylor Swift approved Phil Bredesen in Tennessee, we learn this: "President Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, are scheduled to meet Kanye West, a musician in the White House, on Thursday. says, writes the New York Times. "Mr. West, who has suffered a violent reaction because of his vocal support for the president, will first meet with Mr. Kushner, and then have lunch with the president, the two said."

According to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, "the discussions will include the resurgence of manufacturing in the United States, prison reform, the prevention of gang violence and measures to reduce violence in Chicago.

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