Trump announces two conservative powers for the last pre-election rally


President Donald Trump wraps up his campaign time with a final rally on Monday night in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, with conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity of the Fox News Channel.

"We are pleased to welcome Rush Limbaugh, a native of Cape Girardeau, and Sean Hannity as special guests for this final leg of the tour, during which President Trump will present his arguments to the American people for that he supports GOP candidates on polling day his return under his direction, "said Michael Glassner, chief operating officer of the Trump campaign.

According to the campaign, Limbaugh and Hannity "are longtime friends of President Trump.The two commentators of the conservative media are strong supporters of the president's America First program."

Hannity will host his live broadcast of the rally, where he will interview Trump. It was not specified whether Hannity was going to speak or make a speech, The hill reported.

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