Trump asked John Kelly to remain as chief of staff until 2020


Kelly and Trump discussed keeping him as chief of staff until 2024, a source familiar with the conversation tells CNN, but he's only committed to remain until the end of the first term of the president

As chief of staff, he has declined in recent months, the president bypassing several of the policies and protocols that the General of the Marines to the Retirement put in place when he entered the West Wing last year. Although Trump has hesitated between criticizing and congratulating Kelly in recent months, he has highlighted his first year at work while he was sworn in to the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert Wilkie, at the Oval Office Monday [19659002] By the way, a year today, is not it? – became chief of staff, "Trump told an audience room."

Kelly, who stood near the back of the room, greeted Trump in return.

Over the course of two weeks leading up to Trump's disruptive move across Europe, senior officials predicted that Kelly still had days or hours.These same assistants now believe that the chaos that followed might have helped Kelly to remain a a little longer.

In the weeks leading up to Kelly's announcement, Trump had probed his friends and advisers not to find out if Kelly should stay, but two candidates had appeared as the president was probing his allies : Vice President Nick Ayers' Chief of Staff and Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Last week, the White House warned CNN that Trump was not seeking to replace Kelly imminent way. "President ask people about everyone, he does it constantly, "said the Republican. "It has nothing to do with job offers … It constantly checks different people."

Kelly now seems determined to stay in a position that is wildly different from the way he envisioned it when he took the reins.

A large number of protocols and processes that he has put in place to organize the policy and curb free access to the president have failed and he no longer enjoys the same respect as the staff of the House White or the President, several sources told CNN

This story has been updated with further developments.

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