Trump asks if Feinstein leaked an allegation against Kavanaugh that an FBI investigation could be a "blessing in disguise"


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WHEELING, West Virginia – President Donald Trump said Saturday that his Supreme Court candidate, Brett Kavanaugh, felt that the FBI investigation could be a blessing in disguise and asked Christine Blasey Ford though.

The President spoke for the first time of his troubled candidate since he ordered the FBI's additional background check amid allegations of sexual misconduct against the judge. Trump made the comments to reporters as he was leaving for a re-election rally in West Virginia later that night from Saturday to Friday. He also spoke about Kavanaugh during the election campaign.

During the Saturday night rally, Trump proposed Feinstein as a possible leak and the crowd booed. The president continued to mock his response to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday, when asked whether she or her staff had leaked Ford's allegation against Kavanaugh. She denied that she had.

Trump ransacked the Democrats and the media during the campaign event, claiming that Kavanaugh's hearing during which the candidate and Ford testified showed that Democrats were full of "anger" and "wickedness" . The president said that they were "on a mission to resist, hinder and destroy, you have seen it in the past four days".

"They do not care who they hurt, who they have to crush to get power and control," he said. "That's what they want – power and control – we're not going to give it to them."

He called the Democratic Party a "crime party" and pointed out to the crowd that it was a new line of attack from him. At another time of the rally, which lasted more than 80 minutes and addressed dozens of domestic and foreign problems, Trump said he and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "fell in love."

The president also launched a scathing attack on the press, calling him "enemy of the people" as he did before and drawing the crowd.

Carolyn Kyanko, a supporter of Trump, a retired educator, said that the fact that the president was down on Kavanaugh was one more reason to go out to vote in November. "Do I think Ford was sexually assaulted?" "Yes, I think it's Kavanaugh who did it? Absolutely not," Kyanko said. "Trump's commitment to Kavanaugh is only proof of his loyalty. He is a loyal man."

Earlier, reporters had asked Trump about Kavanaugh while he was traveling to West Virginia.

"I think it's going very well," said Trump. "The FBI, as you know, is talking to everyone … it's a very high quality person.I would wait for it to go very well for the judge , no one was considered to be Judge Kavanaugh. "

Trump added that "the fact that the FBI is doing a thorough investigation, be it three days or seven days, I think it will be less than a week, but I think it will be a blessing if disguise, it's okay to be a good thing. "

Trump suggested that the FBI investigation could even reveal who he thought had leaked a sexual assault allegation of Kavanaugh against Ford and he hinted that it could act to Feinstein.

"I honestly think the FBI has a chance to reveal a lot of different things," Trump said. "I would like to know who leaked the papers." Was it Senator Feinstein? Because his body language was certainly not very good when he asked him this question, then I would like to know to have leaked the papers which democrats have fled the newspapers? "

There is no evidence that Feinstein disclosed the allegation and she said that she had not done so. His office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday night.

Feinstein, the highest Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee, has been repeatedly criticized by Republicans for taking Ford's allegation for six weeks and not presenting it to the committee. Feinstein said he did not pass it on to colleagues because of Ford's privacy claim. The allegation became public when it was reported by the Washington Post.

Republicans, including Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said the group of experts had put in place procedures to handle confidential documents and that he was doing so frequently. They accused Feinstein of keeping the allegation silent in order to launch an 11-hour attack on Kavanaugh just before his confirmation vote.

Trump said that he had no intention of replacing his choice of the Supreme Court.

"I do not need a backup plan," said the president. "We have to see what's going on, I think he'll be fine.One again, one of the most respected men, and certainly one of the most respected jurists or judges of the states." -United."

Trump said Saturday that the FBI had "a free reign" in its investigation, although NBC News reported exclusively that significant restrictions had been imposed on the agency.

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