Trump asks judges for "common sense" | Florida News


By MARK SHERMAN and JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) – Irritated by the decision of its migrant asylum policy, President Donald Trump has asked US judges "a little common sense" and directed his anger at a Liberal appeal court . He claimed to respect Chief Justice John Roberts, with whom he is engaged in an amazing public dispute over the independence of the judiciary, but has however ignored the Republican-appointed representative as someone who "can say what he wants. "

Trump, still upset by Monday's decision by a judge named by President Barack Obama, began his Thanksgiving day by saying on Twitter that the courts should rely on his administration and enforcement of the law on security of borders because judges know nothing and make our country dangerous. . "

The President, spending his vacations in Florida, later told reporters that the forces of the order and the military that he had sent to the US-Mexican border "can not believe the decisions made by these judges ".

Trump has already attacked federal judges who ruled against him, but the current crisis is the first time that Roberts, the head of the federal judiciary, even offers a hint of criticism to the president.

Roberts on Wednesday issued a strong statement defending the independence of the judiciary and contradicting Trump's assertion that the judges are supporters allied to the party of the president who appointed them.

It is quite unusual for a president to choose judges for personal criticism, and his opposition to the comments of a president is unprecedented in the modern era.

In challenging a branch of government with equal powers, Trump complains that his opponents are filing lawsuits in courts that are part of the seemingly liberal Appellate Court of the 9th American Circuit. It is there that should normally be appealed from the recent asylum decision.

It is not unusual for those who challenge the policies of a president to sue the courts likely to support their claims.

"Everyone is in the 9th circuit," he said exaggeratedly. "I think we're going to stop this one way or another.The judges are going to have to meet or Congress has to come together and stop that because they're taking advantage of our country." Trump did not elaborate.

Conservative groups tended to question the policies of the Obama era in Texas, at the appeal court of the conservative-minded 5th American circuit in New Orleans.

"I like him and I respect him," said Trump about Roberts, "but I think we need to use common sense." The 9th circuit, everyone knows that it's totally out of control."

Trump started the holiday tweeting that Roberts "can say what he wants, but the 9th circuit is a complete and total disaster".

He even raised the subject during his call to members of the service, claiming that the 9th Circuit "has become a big thorn in our side … It's a terrible thing when the judges take over your services from protection, when they tell you how to protect the border It's a shame. "

Roberts' court sensing President Robertson's appointment of President Brett Kavanaugh is raging, Roberts and several of his colleagues have done everything to refute the court's views as a political institution divided between five conservative Republicans and four liberal Democrats .

Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts have themselves led to the contention that the courts are becoming more and more politicized. Roberts, as a judge generally considered the closest to the court, could determine the outcome of high-profile cases that divide the court.

The new drama began with remarks made Tuesday by Trump when he attacked Jon S. Tigar, the San Francisco-based judge who ruled against the asylum decision. of Trump. The president said, not for the first time, that the 9th circuit was biased against him.

Roberts had refused to comment on Trump's previous attacks on judges, including the Chief Justice himself. But Wednesday, after a request from the Associated Press, he spoke out for the independence of the federal judiciary and rejected the idea that judges are loyal to the presidents who appoint them .

"We do not have Obama judges, Trump judges, Bush or Clinton judges," Roberts said. "What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges who do their best to make an equal right to those who appear before them."

He concluded: "We should all be grateful for the independent judiciary".

Trump responded by questioning the independence of federal judges appointed by his predecessor and confirmed by the Senate. He notably criticized the judges of the 9th circuit.

"Sorry, Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do have" Obama judges ", who have a very different perspective from the security people in our country," the president tweeted.

Trump has never hesitated to criticize the judicial system. Last year, the president scorned the "so-called judge" who made the first federal judgment against his travel ban. During the presidential campaign, he criticized Roberts for the 2012 Chief Justice's decisive vote to preserve President Barack Obama's health system reform.

Trump also raised the case of a Mexican of Mexican origin, presiding over a lawsuit for fraud against Trump University, who would be unable to rule equitably because of his proposal to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.

The president's remarks on Tuesday came when a reporter asked his reaction to a decision by Tigar that put the asylum policy on hold. Under this new policy, Trump said no one could apply for asylum except at an official point of entry at the border. This tends to support migrants for weeks or even months. A number of migrants remain in Tijuana after traveling in a caravan to reach the United States.

"Every case that is ranked in the 9th circuit, we are beaten," said Trump. "And then we must go to the Supreme Court, as the ban on traveling, and we won."

About the asylum decision, the president continued: "It was an Obama judge, and I will tell you what, it will not happen like this anymore."

The initial ban on travel in 2017 was made by US District Judge James Robart, appointed by President George W. Bush in Washington State. Roberts was also named by Bush.

The 9th Circuit is by far the largest of the federal courts of appeal, covering Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and the United States. Oregon and Washington state. Some Republicans of the Ninth Circuit states have proposed splitting the circuit in two, but the legislation has not yet advanced.

The court has long had a majority of judges appointed by the Democratic presidents, the current split being 16 to 7. But Trump has the opportunity to significantly reduce this advantage because there are six vacancies and he has already nominated candidates for five of them.

Colvin reported from Palm Beach, Florida.

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