Trump, at the Halloween rally, denounces the "far left media" for attempting to "separate people" after the Pittsburgh murders


Speaking Wednesday night at a rally in Fort Myers, Florida, President Trump condemned the "far left media" for "re-using the tragedy to sow anger and violence." division "shortly after his visit to Pittsburgh as a result of Saturday's deadly shootings of a synagogue there.

The more than 8,500 supporters in the Hertz Arena crowd broke into chanting "CNN sucks" before Trump accused the media of having surpassed the ranks of a demonstration in Pittsburgh during his visit and having "done everything in their power to denigrate and push people a share."

CNN host Don Lemon was strongly criticized earlier in the day after a statement on the radio in which he said the "white men" were the biggest terrorist threat to the United States. He added "that there is no ban on Whites" and asked aloud. , "What are we doing about it?"

Trump's critics were relentless: "The far left media has spread terrible lies and stories about the Trump administration and tens of millions of people who make up our movement – the biggest political movement of the history of our country, "continued Trump. as the crowd applauded.

About 200 demonstrators, organized by the Jewish group IfNotNow, protested against Trump's visit to Pittsburgh – many claiming that Trump's rhetoric had endorsed white supremacy. IfNotNow advocates to end what he calls "occupation" by Israel of the Palestinian territories.

Trump then turned to the caravans of migrants heading from Mexico to the United States, saying, "They have a lot of rough people in these caravans – they are not angels, they are not. . " A member of the caravan admitted to Fox News that he was wanted for attempted murder.

Trump said that up to 15,000 US troops could be deployed at the border if the caravan continues its approach. The Pentagon also said Wednesday afternoon that its initial estimate was 7,000 soldiers at the border.

Trump referred to "birth citizenship" – the process by which children of illegal immigrants born on American soil automatically become citizens – as a "crazy policy", echoing the remarks he made. have done throughout the week.

"Illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States," said Trump to applause at Wednesday's rally to the songs of the "United States".

This comment was important because the 14th amendment reads as follows: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction of that country are citizens of the United States and the State in which they live. resident."


Republicans advance the theory that illegal immigrants are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States within the meaning of this provision, which would give Congress the legal day to pass a law codifying Trump's point of view, which would change the current Immigration and Naturalization. Law (INA) of 1952.


The president was embarking on a final round of rallies, in anticipation of next week's mid-term elections, and fans had entered the arena after aligning well before the weekend. dawn, many wearing red shirts and dangling beach balls.

"They have a lot of rough people in these caravans – they are not angels."

– President Trump

A few people were wearing Halloween clothes – a man with an Uncle Sam hat, one with a red cape and another dressed as a soldier of the independence war. The president's agenda seemed urgent as the mood was festive: Trump planned 10 additional rallies in 8 other states before election day on Nov. 2, with two in Indiana and Missouri, as well as stops in Tennessee, Georgia and Ohio. Montana and West Virginia.

In addition, a new series of polls with Fox News on Wednesday showed that many of these states are still so small.

Florida, which Trump narrowly won in the 2016 presidential election, is home to two major races neck and neck that Fox News currently qualifies as overthrow.

The Republican Senate candidate, incumbent Governor Rick Scott, faces Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, who has been in the position since 2000 and leads an average of 2 points in RealClearPolitics polls. Trump called Scott "incredible asset" on Wednesday night, claiming that he had managed Hurricane Michael effectively earlier this year.

"Together, we will ensure that Florida returns stronger than ever – this is already happening," said Trump. "Rick and everyone in Florida have done a phenomenal job."

According to polls, the GOP governor candidate, Ron DeSantis, a Trump ally, a slightly fugitive Democratic nominee and the current mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum, has been besieged in recent days by a series of documents that show that he could have been lying about potentially illegal expenses, donations.

The president frequently called Scott and DeSantis "Rick and Ron" at Wednesday's rally, and said that they had worked well together and that, if elected, they "would maintain the boom in Florida".


Trump has already taken public shots against Gillum, calling him a "stone thief" in an interview with Fox News on Monday after the public ethics commission released documents showing that he had accepted tickets for the Broadway musical "Hamilton" emanating from a plainclothes FBI agent posing as a local developer in the summer of 2016. Gillum asserted that he was assuming that his brother had bought the tickets.

Further revelations during the investigation into possible corruption by the Tallahassee government would seem to show Gillum who was illegally using municipal funds for field trips that his office had apparently been wrongly presented as an official affair.

Gillum hit on Twitter, writing that it's never wise to "struggle with a pig". He also accused Mr. DeSantis of not being as transparent as possible with respect to taxpayer-funded travel expenses incurred during his six years in Congress. DeSantis is not legally obliged to provide detailed receipts for these expenses.


All delegates receive an allowance to travel during their term, including attending interviews and answering questions. DeSantis stated that these funds were used for hotel stays and travel expenses. His spokesman said the money had been allocated to "official travel including appearances in the media."

Although Trump is not on the ballot in November, Democratic and Republican strategists have reported that Trump rallies – the centerpiece of his unconventional and underrated 2016 campaign – have stimulated local candidates, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in free and Republican media in post-meeting polls.

At least one local company allowed employees to take a day off if they attended the rally.

The atmosphere that preceded the speech resembled a rock concert. Some people hit a large beach ball in the stands while "The Village People" Macho Man sounded a resounding sound.

On election day, Trump has held 30 rallies since Labor Day, according to the White House. He has organized events in competitive districts of the House of Representatives and in states where the Senate and Governors are competing.

More than 3.4 million people have already voted in Florida, surpassing the number of people who voted early or mailed four years ago.

Dana Blanton of Fox News and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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