With the launch of a new national cybernetic strategy, President Donald Trump has authorized the use of "cyber-offensive operations" against US opponents, said Thursday National Security Advisor John Bolton.
The United States hopes that by deploying offensive measures it will deter cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and other systems, said Bolton, demonstrating to opponents that the cost "is higher than they want." to bear it.
In a letter, Trump said the new guidelines demonstrate his commitment to protecting America from digital threats. "It's a call to action for all Americans and our big businesses to take the necessary steps to improve our national cyber security," he said. "We will continue to lead the world in pursuit of a successful cyber future."
Trump's strategy, which he calls the "first fully articulated cybernetic strategy in 15 years," replaces the one set up under the Obama administration. It is said that it considerably relaxes the rules relating to the use of electronic weapons by the Pentagon and other agencies.
"We are going to do a lot of offensive things," said Bolton.
The move comes as US intelligence signals overseas operations aimed at undermining the 2018 midterm elections, including cyberattacks against voting infrastructures and computer intrusions targeting election officials.
He was asked whether he considered the United States to be actively involved in "cyber war," said Bolton, but he did not accept this "characterization".
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