Trump boarded Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe


In an image that perfectly sums up the shitty storm that took place in 2018, President Donald Trump boarded Air Force One on Thursday afternoon with some of what appeared to be toilet paper stuck to his shoe.

The incident occurred while Trump was leaving Minneapolis (where he had fundraised) to attend a rally in Rochester, Minnesota. After sticking with the president all the way down to his plane, the paper finally released its grip once Trump came on board.

This may even happen to the best of us, but there are still some questions about this particular incident. Perhaps most importantly, how did nobody tell him about it?

It's not just a small piece stuck to a shoe. These are some solid sheets with which he walks and someone should have seen him. He is surrounded by at least a dozen people at all times. Do his associates hate him so much that they would not talk to him about toilet paper?

This has not been lost for Twitter users either.

But there are even more questions we must answer.

What kind of toilet paper is this? We know that the president enjoys all kinds of amenities, ranging from the "Beast" to bulletproof and explosive to bullet-proof suits. Is this toilet paper also bullet-proof? Because if not, how can you explain that he is wearing his shoe, probably from the place where he talked with his car, the trip to Air Force One, then walking up the steps? It's indestructible toilet paper.

Is it the biggest joke of all time? If so, who is responsible?

Is not the job of the secret service to protect the president from acts of aggression with toilet paper?

One can only imagine Trump's reaction once he's seen the video. But at least we had another fantastic visual metaphor for the Trump administration before him.

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