Trump: border troops allowed to use lethal force "if they must"


President TrumpDonald John TrumpTwitter permanently suspends the right-wing activist of the Trump platform at the teleconference with the Army during Thanksgiving Trump said the media blamed him for traffic jams MORE confirmed Thursday that the troops he had sent to the southern border had been allowed to use lethal force to prevent migrants from entering the country.

"If they have to do it, they will use deadly force. I have – I gave the OK. S & # 39; they must. I hope they will not be forced to do so, "he said, adding that he was open to the possibility of closing the entire border if necessary.

Chief of Staff of the White House John KellyJohn Francis KellyMORE On Wednesday signed a Cabinet Order authorizing some troops to engage in law enforcement activities and use lethal force, easing the military personnel engagement restrictions on the Southwest border.

Troops may "exercise the military protection activities deemed reasonably necessary by the Secretary of Defense," the report says. This report explains that "protection activities" include "a demonstration or the use of force (including lethal force, if any), crowd control, pre-trial detention and shallow search. "

Earlier this month, the Pentagon deployed about 5,800 troops at the border at the request of Trump as a group of thousands of Central American migrants traveled to the United States, many hoping to be able to apply for the same. asylum to violence in their country of origin.

Trump said several members of the group were violent criminals and belonged to gangs, while government officials expressed concerns about the safety of some people in the caravan.

"Our soldiers are mobilized on the southern border. Many more troops to come. We will NOT let these caravans, which are also made up of very bad thugs and gang members, enter the United States. Our border is sacred, they must enter legally. TURN AROUND! ", Tweeted Trump last month.

Since the constitution of the caravan in Central America, the president has taken a position several times. In particular, he blocked migrants' asylum applications.

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