Trump called Stacey Abrams "unskilled" and his response was perfect


As November's mid-term elections draw near, President Donald Trump has continued to seek Republican candidates across the country. Saturday, he took into account the race for the governorship in Georgia. After reminding voters of his support for the Republican candidate for governorship, Brian Kemp, Trump described Democrat Stacey Abrams as "unqualified" when she was deputy attorney of Atlanta and sat about 10 years at the General Assembly of Georgia.

"Georgian State Secretary Brian Kemp It will be a great governor, "Trump told Saturday on Twitter. He has been successful in all areas and has been prepared for this very difficult and complex job for many years. He has my strong support. "

Still, Trump did not just boast about what he thought was Kemp's accomplishments. On the contrary, the president also targeted Abrams, Kemp's opponent. "His opponent is totally unqualified," he writes. "It would destroy a great state!"

But even the most cursory look at the Abrams resume suggests that it is far from being "unqualified". As Atlanta's Assistant Attorney, she was responsible for the legal and policy analysis of many projects. What is more, she sat in the House of Representatives of Georgia from 2007 to 2017 and became the first woman to lead one or the other of the parties to the Georgia General Assembly after to have been appointed leader of the minority in the House of Representatives in 2010.

The Saturday, Abrams pushed back by Kemp's characterization by Trump as a success. "If success removes eligible voters, divulges our social security numbers and points a shotgun at a child on television, I'll go," she tweeted. "I will be expanding Medicaid, excellent public schools and well paying jobs."

Although Abrams has not yet responded directly to Trump's assertion that she is "unskilled," others promptly called the president for her remark. .

"Whatever your policy is, it's totally wrong to call Abrams" unqualified, "wrote Addy Baird of Think Progress.

Meanwhile, Rolling stone Writer Jamil Smith insisted Saturday on the importance of correcting Trump, regardless of the context of his tweet. "Stacey Abrams has more experience In elected office – more than 17 years old – that does Brian Kemp (almost 13 years old), "tweeted Smith. She is much more educated (Yale JD vs her baccalaureate). Trump's assertion that she is "totally unqualified" may have been flippantly, but we should correct it. "

Recent polls show that the race for governorship in Georgia remains at a near standoff. According to WSBTV Atlanta, October 11 The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionA WSBTV poll found that Kemp had a narrow lead of 47.7%, compared to 46.3% for Abrams. The state's libertarian candidate, Ted Metz, was behind with only 2.3%. But according to the network, the Kemp advance of 1.4% could be "statistically insignificant", as the poll has an error margin of 2.8%.

Kemp would also have a slight lead over Abrams in a WXIA-TV / SurveyUSA poll earlier this month. In this poll, Kemp is leading with 47% of the vote against 45 for Abrams, according to Real Clear Politics.

When he was elected, Abrams would be the first black woman to hold the position of governor in the United States.

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