Trump called the recipients of the package "a machine to lie," "weak," "low IQ," "neurotic" and even worse.


More than a dozen potentially explosive package recipients in recent days have all openly criticized President Trump. And in almost every case, Trump visited them on Twitter, one of his favorite means of communication.

Here is a summary of what the president said about the recipients of the package:

James R. Clapper Jr.

In April, after the former director of national intelligence services contributed to CNN, a network Trump repeatedly pokes fun at, Trump called Clapper a "lie machine."

Cory Booker

The Democratic senator from New Jersey has not been a frequent target of Trump, but he tweeted this disappointment during the 2016 campaign: "If Cory Booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they will not. Have no future! "

Joe Biden

In March, after the former vice president declared that he would "beat hell" for Trump's lack of respect for women, the president responded on Twitter, claiming Biden was "Weak, both mentally and physically" and that it "would collapse quickly and harshly". a fight.

Robert de niro

After the acclaimed actor has desecrated Trump at the Tony Awards in June, Trump called De Niro "a very low IQ."

Maxine Waters

Trump has repeatedly said that the California Democrat MP was a "low IQ person" and tried to portray her as the "face of the Democratic Party."

Eric Holder

The former Attorney General and possible candidate for the Democratic presidency for 2020 has not been a regular target of Trump on Twitter, but his name has been included in a tweet from last month aimed at criticizing the news. current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. According to Trump, the Fox Business animator, Lou Dobbs, the Justice Department was as biased towards Republicans under Sessions as under Holder.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

In the 2016 election, Trump called the California Democrat MP "neurotic". At the time, she was President of the Democratic National Committee.

John Brennan

In an August tweet, Trump said that the former director of the CIA was "easily the worst of history" and that it was now "nothing less than". a political, partisan and political hack to whom we can not entrust the secrets of our country! " revoked Brennan's security clearance.

Barack Obama

The former president was a frequent target, including in March 2017, when Trump, without evidence, accused Obama of listening to radio on his phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 election. "Bad (or sick) guy!" Said Trump.

Hillary Clinton

The Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State 2016 has been confronted with Trump's anger several times, including in May, when Trump asked why the team of Special Adviser Robert S. Mueller III was not focused on "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for his "many crimes".

George Soros

Trump recently mentioned the eminent Democratic donor during the confirmation process before the Senate of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. Trump, without proof, accused Soros of having paid the demonstrators who had come to the Capitol.

Tom Steyer

A year ago, Trump targeted the environmental activist who had called for his dismissal, saying that he was "Wacky and totally unbalanced," and questioning his ability to influence the elections.

Kamala D. Harris

Trump has not criticized the California Democratic senator since his personal Twitter account, but in July, the official account of the White House was used to accuse him of being weak in matters. immigration.

". @ SenKamalaHarris, why do you support animals from MS-13? You do not have to know what ICE really does, "said the White House in a tweet, with a link to a statement issued by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement regarding the removal of an affiliate to a Salvadoran gang MS-13.

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