Trump calls for unlimited funding under the "Major Border Security Package"


President TrumpDonald John TrumpDems is preparing for the main battle. Trump and his family hold a Thanksgiving dinner during the Mar-a-Lago Trump-Roberts quarrel over Thanksgiving PLUS In an early tweet, the day after Thanksgiving, he had asked for funding for a wall at the southern border as part of a "major border security program."

"Republicans and Democrats MUST finally unite to put in place a major security program at the border, which will include funding for the wall," Trump wrote from his Mar-a-Lago resort, saying Florida.

Trump left the door open for a possible government shutdown if an upcoming deal to finance parts of the government did not include funding for a border wall. The Congress has until December 7 to fund the rest of the government after legislators had negotiated seven of 12 funding bills by the end of the fiscal year-end.

Trump, during the summer, had talked less about bipartisanship when he had told Republican lawmakers to "stop wasting their time" trying to collaborate with Democrats in immigration until they 39, that they take up more seats in the House and in the Senate.

But the GOP lost the House in this month's midterm elections and Liberal lawmakers fiercely opposed Trump's long promised border wall funding.

Trump in another tweet touted the "bipartisan" opportunities for his other legislative priority, criminal justice reform.

Trump's touted criminal justice reform bill has sparked divisions within the GOP. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Told the President last week that he did not think that there would be enough speaking time to pass the measure when the session of the lame.

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