Trump calls on Strzok's television audience, "other hate frauds" at FBI, DOJ


President Trump lambasted FBI agent Peter Strzok on Monday night, arguing that the audience of the agent known for his anti-Trump messages should be "shown to the public on live television".

"Peter Strzok's hearing and other hate crimes at the FBI and the DOJ should be shown to the public on live television, not at an in camera hearing that no one will see," said the president. tweeted. "We should expose these people for what they are – there should be total transparency!"

Trump's comments came a few days before Strzok was ready to testify before the Judiciary Committee of the House. Strzok was apparently ready to go to Congress, but the committee gave the order for the June 27 appearance because it would not confirm a specific date to appear, Fox News learned.

Strzok was involved in the Russian investigation of special advocate Robert Mueller before being fired following the revelation of several anti-Trump text messages with his colleague and amateur office worker, Lisa Page.

The report of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice Michael E. Horowitz on the Clinton email survey, released earlier this month, said that Strzok had sent a text message in August 2016, before the Donald Trump's electoral victory.[Trump’s] will not ever become president, right? Right?!"

"No, he will not, we will stop him," replied Strzok.

Earlier Monday night, Trump also criticized Virginia Democrat Senator Mark Warner following reports that Warner was drinking alcohol while on a retreat at Martha's. Vineyard joked to donors that he could reveal sensitive information known to him and special advocate Robert Mueller.

"If you give me another glass of wine, I'll only tell you Bob Mueller stuff and I know. If you think you've ever seen wild stuff, fasten your seatbelt. He's going to be a wild couple of months, "he jokingly said.

"Why Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), perhaps in a state close to drunkenness, claims that he has information that he and Bob Mueller, the leader of the 13 Democrats angrily on a witch hunt, knows, "Trump interrogates. "Is not it highly illegal? Is this the subject of an investigation?"

Warner, the Democratic nominee for the Senate Intelligence Committee, attended a dinner for more than 100 guests as part of the annual Democratic Majority Campaign Campaign (DSCC) Majority Trust Committee (DSCC) retreat, Politico reported.

Elizabeth Zwirz of Fox News, Chad Pergram and Lukas Mikelionis contributed to this report.

Matt Richardson is a publisher for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @ MRichardson713.

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