Trump Can not Use FEMA's Wireless Alerts to Send Personal Messages – It's Illegal


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Contrary to public concern, the Federal Emergency Management Agency does not give a direct line to President Donald Trump to send personalized messages to US citizens.

He would break the law if he did it.

Last Friday, the Federal Communications Commission and FEMA announced their intention to test a system that would allow the president to send a message to mobile devices in the United States.

The announcement of the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) test caused fears that Trump would use it as he uses Twitter. But in 2015, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., Introduced a bill to prevent any president from abusing the system.

"Except to the extent necessary to test the alert and warning system, the public warning and warning system shall not be used to transmit a message unrelated to a natural disaster, terrorist act or any other disaster or human-caused threat to public safety ", states the Integrated Public Alert and Public Warning System Modernization Act, 2015.

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