Trump changes course by ordering FBI investigation of Kavanaugh


After the first charges against Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Kavanaugh, nearly two weeks ago, the White House introduced a "very thorough" FBI background check process, citing the six preliminary investigations as evidence that the confirmation go from the front. And many times asked if he would order the FBI to reopen his investigation, Trump suggested that the FBI "do not do that".

But Friday, amid threats from Republican Senator Jeff Flake and the growing uncertainty that Kavanaugh would have enough votes to confirm himself, the Senate blocked the process to allow an investigation into these allegations. After the committee vote, Trump spoke a more respectful tone.

"I will be totally dependent on what Sen. [Chuck] Grassley and the group decide to do it, "he said during a further investigation Friday at an oval office meeting with the Chilean president.

"All they think is necessary," he added, ordering the investigation a few hours later.

Here are some of the times Trump has discussed Kavanaugh's investigation process on the FBI since the allegations surfaced:

Wednesday Press Conference: "a very thorough investigation"

Earlier this week, Trump held a major press conference at the United Nations, rigorously defending his candidate for the Supreme Court.

He argued that the FBI had "nothing to investigate".

"Well, the FBI has told us that they have investigated Judge Kavanaugh six times, five times, several times over the years, they know him very well, but here there was nothing to investigate. At least one point of view They did not know the place They did not know the time They did not know the year They did not know anything And it's like where are you going he told you in New York.

He played a leading role in condemning the Democrats for what he called "big job".

"The FBI, as you know, investigated this time because they have five or six other times, and they have conducted a very thorough investigation.But that is a big problem.And I would like to be in the room with the Democrats, shut the door – you're all outside, waiting outside, and Schumer and his friends are all there, laughing at having deceived you all.

Last Wednesday: "They would do it if you asked them"

While the president was ready to leave the White House to visit the damage caused by the storm in the Carolinas, reporters asked him why he would not call for an FBI investigation into the allegations.

"Well, it looks like the FBI is not really doing it, they have investigated about six times and it seems they are not doing it," he said.

Indeed, the president has the power to order an FBI investigation of this nature.

"They would do it if you asked them, Mr. President, they would do it if you asked them, will you consider asking them?" a reporter asked.

Trump responded that he "would let senators do it instead," a process that unfolded this week and which ultimately led to a change of course on Friday.

"I would let senators take their course, let senators do it, they do a very good job, they have spent a lot of time, they have already postponed a major audition, and, really, they are hurting someone else's life." One, he says.

Last Tuesday: "Not really their thing"

Trump suggested last week, at an oval office meeting with the Polish president, that the FBI would not be involved in investigating allegations against Kavanaugh, even though they had already conducted six background checks.

"I do not think the FBI really should be involved because they do not want to be involved." "They wanted it, I certainly would, but as you know, they say it does not. is not really their business, "he said.

Later in the day, at a press conference, he reiterated that "it's not what they do."

When asked if he would support the reopening of the FBI's Kavanaugh background investigation, he said, "That would not bother me except that the FBI, Jon, said that they did not really do it, that's not what they do. Over the years, they have done six background checks, while Judge Kavanaugh has managed to move up a gear. He is an incredible person.

Last Monday: "Never had a little defect"

Trump first addressed the allegations against Kavanaugh at an event for the National Council for the American worker, arguing that the six completed background checks were proof that his file was spotless.

"He is an exceptional intellectual, an exceptional judge, respected by everyone, never had a minor fault on his record, the FBI has, I think, spent six times with him in the years he has been in office. a very special one, "said Trump.

But he expressed his intention to go through a process following the allegations.

"At the same time, we want to go through a process, we want to make sure everything is perfect, that everything is fine," he said.

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