Trump claims that Apple can avoid tariffs by transferring production to the United States


President Donald Trump admits that some Apple Inc. products could become more expensive if his administration imposes "massive" additional tariffs on products made in China, but that the technology company can solve the problem by transferring production to the United States .

"Start building new plants now. Exciting! Trump said Saturday in a tweet aimed at the Cupertino-based company in California.

This week, Apple said that a new series of additional $ 200 billion tariffs on Chinese imports would raise prices for some of its products, including Apple Watch and Mac mini.

The company is highly exposed to a trade war between the United States and China. It manufactures many of its products for the US market in China and also sells gadgets, including the iPhone in China, which makes it a potential target for Chinese retaliation against Trump tariffs.

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Trump tweeted Saturday that "Apple prices could rise because of the huge tariffs we charge China – but there is a simple solution where there would be a zero tax, and even a tax incentive." the United States instead of China.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The company has not announced plans to transfer manufacturing from China to the United States.

In his letter to the US Trade Representative's office this week, Apple said "because all tariffs are finally coming in as a tax for US consumers, they will increase the cost of Apple products that our customers rely on every day. & # 39; & # 39;

The company said the rates would affect "a wide range of Apple products," including computers, watches, adapters, chargers, and tools used in its US manufacturing, repair, and data centers. Apple said the rates would increase the cost of its operations in the United States and place it at a disadvantage for its foreign competitors.

The White House has accused China of stealing US intellectual property and forcing American companies to share their technology with Chinese companies. The tariffs would put pressure on China to put an end to this behavior, said the administration. Apple said it was difficult to see how fares would advance the government's goal.

The presidential tweet is the latest salvo of a clash between the Trump administration and companies who fear that tariffs will hurt their business.

The Trump administration has imposed a $ 50 billion fee on imports from China, mainly from the equipment and materials used by the manufacturers. CEO Tim Cook said in July that these measures had no effect on Apple. The company is concerned, however, with the Trump administration's proposal to add 25 percent of an additional $ 200 billion worth of Chinese products, including a broader assortment of consumer-related items.

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