Trump: Cohen & # 39; lie & # 39; that I ordered him to break the law


In an interview with The Associated Press, Trump stated that Cohen had presented a "totally false" testimony when he had pleaded guilty to violating the campaign financing law by organizing payments.

Cohen said during an August court appearance that Trump had ordered him to make payments to Daniels, a shocking statement that implicated the president in a federal crime.

Lanny Davis, Cohen's lawyer, said that his client was complaining about the payment.

"Under oath @ MichaelCohen212 has acknowledged and assumed responsibility for @realdonaldtrump's misbehavior @potus.Trump qualifying as #liar everyone is a compliment!" tweeted Davis, who is also a contributor of opinion to the hill.

Trump dismissed Cohen as "a PR person who did a little legal job" and said it was "very sad". Cohen decided to plead guilty to "get a lighter sentence".

Cohen worked for Trump for about a decade as a lawyer and negotiator in real estate transactions.

Trump also defended his use of the derisory nickname "Horseface" that he gave Daniels in a tweet on Tuesday morning.

"You can take it as you wish," Trump told the question of whether it was appropriate to insult the appearances of women.

-Updated 19 hours

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