Trump comes down amid protests: Illegal cross-border workers must be deported "immediately"


President Trump Donald John TrumpScaramucci warns that Trump must "change tactics" on trade Trump seeks to buy a Scottish historic building for the hotel: Report Republican wins to replace Farenthold in Congress MORE [19659003] doubled Saturday at his request that people who cross illegally in the United States be deported immediately, stating that US immigration laws are "the dumbest in the world".

"When people enter our country illegally, we have to escort them IMMEDIATELY without going over" Trump tweeted during his weekend at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

"Our laws are the stupidest in the world: Republicans want strong boundaries and no crime. on crime! "

His comments came as tens of thousands of people gathered in Washington, DC, and cities across the country on Saturday to protest Trump administration's immigration policies, particularly its "zero tolerance" approach that has led to separating thousands of migrant children from their parents at the US-Mexican border.

resembled the president's previous claim this week that captured immigrants crossing the border illegally expelled without due process.

The Trump administration has been criticized in recent weeks for separating migrant families, prompting the president to sign a decree authorizing the detention of children and parents.

But by virtue of a 1997 decree, minors can only be detained for more than 20 days, which puzzles the way the government is considering implementing the presidential decree.

Congress also rejected Wednesday a bill on immigration, which aimed to settle family separations. Legislators could still act on a narrower measure ending separations.

The government was also ordered this week by a federal judge in San Diego to quickly reunite migrant families who had been separated, but it is unclear how long it will take to get it imposed by the court.

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