Trump continues to claim credits for repairing things that are not repaired


He wanted the problem of North Korea's nuclear weapons to be solved after his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un last month, and he wanted the problem of children separated by the US government from their parents to be resolved. A few weeks later, the North Korean nuclear threat still exists and the problem of children separated from their parents has worsened as the US government does not know exactly how many people there are. children he has or how to bring them back to their parents.

These are irrelevant stories, of course, but they share what has become a White House truism – which is that Trump likes to take credit for things he has not done yet.

This is reminiscent of the famous quote attributed to Senator Vermont George Aitken, a Republican, who introduced a plan for the United States to Vietnam in 1966. The United States should declare victory and go out he was quoted as saying. What did Aitken say this way or not and what does it mean exactly? Has been debated.

Trump somehow declared victory over North Korea upon landing on American soil after June's summit with Kim

"I've landed – a long trip, but anyone can feel safer than the day has taken office, "Trump said on Twitter." There is no longer any nuclear threat from North Korea. "

Trump was delighted with the success of his trip at the time and clearly wanted it to look as historic as possible.

But his statement was premature.The agreement that he signed in North Korea was more than an entry in the determination of the details.And his administration, since his tweet, reiterated that there is still a nuclear threat from North Korea.Of course.The Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, makes the shuttle to get the details.In the meantime, North Korea's nuclear program e

However, Trump was not punished. More recently, he asked for credit for not being in the middle of a nuclear war

"Many good conversations with North Korea – it's going well! In the meantime, no rocket launch or nuclear tests in 8 months There is only the opposition party, which includes the Fake News, which complains, if not for me, we would now be at war with North Korea! " 19659002] OK! (Aside from the fact that Trump was tempting nuclear war with his previous provocative Kim, he is asking for credit to avoid a war he was making.)

Regarding Immigrant Children , the administration has been slow to realize moral mistake in separating the children of the parents to the border. The chaos that results is becoming clear.

"We are going to have strong and very strong borders, but we will keep the families together," he said. "I did not like the sight or the feeling of separation of families."

"So we keep the families together and this will solve this problem," said Trump. And then, just before signing the decree, he added, "You are going to have a lot of happy people."

He has not talked much about the subject since then.

became apparent immediately. The executive order sought to detain undocumented families together and it broke a law that mandated children not to be detained indefinitely. And even if the stated purpose was to reunite families, it is not clear that this happened at all. In fact, the government reported this week that it had separated even more children than previously thought.

These are just the most recent examples. "There is more Obamacare," he said after the Republicans passed their tax reform bill, though the Republicans' tax bill wiped out the penalty. for not having health insurance. long list of things that Trump has tried to take into account for earlier this year.

But these new examples are something else. They give credit to Trump for the efforts of his own administration before his own policies can be adopted, which is why they feel so premature. He tries to take credit for things where no credit is still deserved.

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