Trump criticizes "state agents", vulnerable Democratic senator Jon Tester in Montana


Addressing an anonymous and critical tribune from a senior administration official in the New York Times, Mr. Trump asserted that he had "turned against him" .

"Unelected state agents who challenge voters to defend their own secret programs are really a threat to democracy itself," Trump said.

He called the newspaper to reveal the name of the author.

"In the interest of our national security, the New York Times should issue its name immediately," said Trump. "I think their reporters should pick who he is, it would be a good story."

In a typical line of attack, while Trump is campaigning for Republicans before mid-term this year, Trump said the Democrats are the party of "anger and hatred." He criticized Democratic Senator Jon Tester, who is due to be re-elected this year, for releasing allegations that derailed the appointment of Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, a former White House personal physician, who is considered to be Secretary of Legacy Affairs. fighters.
Trump also criticized Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for their aggressive interrogation this week of Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh. Trump said the committee members "attacked Judge Kavanaugh and looked like fools".
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"And one of them will probably be running for your favorite president, me," he said. It was unclear whether Trump was referring to New Jersey Senator Cory Booker or California Senator Kamala Harris, both possible candidates for the presidential election.

Montana is one of five states that Trump won double digits in 2016, where a Democratic senator must be re-elected this fall.

On his second visit to Montana to campaign for Matt Rosendale, a November mid-term election commissioner, Trump attacked Tester for making public allegations against Jackson, who withdrew his candidacy.

"What Tester did to Adm Jackson should never be allowed.Ronny Jackson is a great man.Ronny Jackson led a beautiful and beautiful life" and had "lies about it," said Trump.

Trump also warned that Democrats, if they won a majority in the mid-term elections in November, could put him on trial. And if they did, he said, the county will turn into a third world country, because if the opposite party becomes president, even before it begins, even before knowing whether or not to leave . do a good job. "

"So, let's say that a Democrat is elected someday – I hope it's a long time – but let's say that one Democrat is elected, and say we have a Republican House – we will impeach this democrat, "he said.

According to Trump, voting for party control by the party is "a very important thing".

And if the Democrats pursue Trump's indictment, he told the crowd: "It's your fault because you did not go to vote."

Trump's rallies are often far from the subject of the Senate race on which he is present. During his July visit, Trump mocked the #MeToo movement, named Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's "Pocahontas" Senator, said California Representative Maxine Waters. is in the "mid – 60s" and has ridiculed Republican Senator from Arizona, John McCain, who died almost two weeks ago, for opposing his effort to "get the job done. repeal of Obamacare.

On Thursday night, he compared himself to Abraham Lincoln, claiming that the Gettysburg speech – one of the most famous speeches in American history – had been criticized at the time and that He thought that his own presidency would also be perceived in a more positive way. historically.

"I feel like it's going to happen with us – in different ways it's going to happen with us," Trump said.

Trump said the Democrats would push back the rights of the second amendment and favor open borders. He attacked the tester for opposing legislation to ban sanctuary cities.

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Montana has long voted Republican in the presidential elections, but Trump has turned out to be even more popular than other recent Republican presidential nominees. He won the state in 2016 by 21 percentage points, a margin larger than the 14 points of Mitt Romney in 2012 and the 2 points of McCain in 2008.

The tester is widely opposed to Trump's agenda. Claire McCaskill (Tester and Missouri) voted against Neil Gorsuch's Supreme Court confirmation in 2017, while other Democrats in Indiana, Joe Donnelly (Indiana), Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota) and Joe Manchin (Virginia) Western) supported Gorsuch.

In a fundraising email sent to supporters on Thursday morning, Tester pointed to Trump's visit to the state.

"At the beginning of the year, Trump said I would have a big price to pay in November – which means he's ready to do whatever it takes to beat me." That's why he performs a second visit to my country ".

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