Trump, Cruz repairs the barriers and tries to save himself


There is water under the bridge now, while Cruz is fighting for his seat in the Texas Senate and the president is fighting to retain a Republican majority in the Senate.

Trump volunteered, along with two of his most prominent surrogates – his children, Don Jr. and Ivanka – to join the Texas senate as his re-election tightens.
Since the bitter primary of 2016, Cruz has been allied as an ally to the administration, putting aside his embarrassing story for dinner at the White House with his family last year. Cruz has since been spotted having dinner in town with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

Thursday, Ivanka Trump, senior advisor to the president, will join Cruz in his hometown of Houston for a visit to the Johnson Space Center.

"We look forward to visiting @NASA_Johnson tomorrow at #Houston with @IvankaTrump & @JimBridenstine to discuss the tremendous work done by @NASA to advance the exploration of the human space", Cruz tweeted.

The NASA visit is an official affair and not a campaign event; Ivanka Trump has so far largely sought to avoid entanglement in the mid-term races in 2018, instead choosing to travel around the country touting the tax reform, the family's agenda. administration, the development of the workforce and other initiatives, including STEM education.

But the president's eldest daughter's trip to Texas is expected to draw media attention to Cruz, who will face Democrat Beto O. Rourke in November.
Ivanka is not the only Trump to travel to Texas alongside Cruz. His brother, Donald Trump Jr. will join the Republican Senator in Texas in the coming weeks.

And the president promised to make every effort to support his former rival.

"I will have a big rally for Senator Ted Cruz in October," he said. tweeted last month, adding, "I choose the biggest stadium in Texas we can find, as you know, Ted has my complete and complete endorsement, his opponent is a disaster for Texas – weak on Second Amendment, Crime, Borders , Military, and veterinarians! "
The events come after Mick Mulvaney, a senior Trump administration official, warned party officials and donors in camera that Republican candidates such as Cruz were in danger of losing and were not considered "friendly" enough. , according to the New York Times.

CNN's Eli Watkins contributed to this report.

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