Trump defeats Democrats against Medicare for all


In the rare presidential opinion article published in USA Today, Trump claimed that the "Medicare for all" proposal would "eviscerate" Medicare, the popular government program providing health care to the elderly and some people with disabilities.

"Democrats would take Medicare out of the government's takeover of health care by the government," the comment reads.

A champion for years on the left flank of the party, Medicare for All has been backed by the candidacy of Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders as President. Last year, many potential candidates for the party's nomination joined Sanders to introduce a bill establishing the program. Former President Barack Obama has referred to Medicare for all in a speech approved last month.

Trump, in his November election column, said the plan would devastate the health care sector, undermine the Medicare regime in its current form and "inevitably lead to massive Health care".

"In practice, the so-called Medicare for All of the Democratic Party would really be Medicare for None," said Trump. "According to the plan of the Democrats, the health insurance of today would be forced to die."

Medicare for all would gradually integrate all Americans into a government-run system that replaces private insurance. Trump and others have pointed out the high cost of the project, while Sanders and proponents have indicated that businesses and individuals would no longer have to pay premiums to private insurance companies.

Medicare and other rights are regular combat zones between the parties, each accusing them of trying to destroy popular programs.

Trump, for one, has been campaigning for Medicare protection, which is expected to be exhausted by now less than a decade and is using to abolish Obamacare, which, according to non-partisan analysts would result in a massive increase in the number of uninsured people.

The panel described the Democratic Party as "extreme" for the support that some members of the House and Senate have received from the proposal, as well as a handful of Democratic candidates for governorships. Trump went on to say that a democratic victory this fall would lead to the failure of socialist policies in other sectors than health. He pointed out the call by some to the abolition of the immigration and customs agency to say that his party was "socialist with open borders". "

"If the Democrats take control of Congress next November, we will be dangerously close to socialism in America," said Trump. "Government-run health care is only a beginning." Democrats are also pushing the government to massively control education, private sector companies, and other major sectors of the economy. US economy. "

Sanders and other Democrats who support Medicare for all say that health care is a human right and should be accessible to all Americans. According to them, the best solution is to expand health insurance, which is successful, profitable and popular.

"If all the major countries of the world can guarantee health care for all and achieve better health outcomes, while spending significantly less per capita than ours, it is absurd to suggest that the United America can not do the same, "wrote Sanders. in an editorial of CNN in August.

Sanders argues that the current health system benefits primarily Wall Street, insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry, but leaves people scrambling to afford their drugs or go bankrupt because of high bills. He quotes several polls showing that Americans are in favor of a single-payer Medicare for All system.

About 28 million people are uninsured and millions of others are underinsured, so they always have a huge health care bill.

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