Trump: Detention facilities at the border are better now than under Obama


Trump, speaking in South Carolina on Monday night, compared images released by his administration with the 2014 photos that have spread in recent weeks. He said that the pictures show that the detention facilities have improved.

"What I've learned is one thing: our facilities are cleaner, better maintained and better managed, that's what I've learned," he said. declared.

Trump said he sees the national turmoil on immigration policy as politically advantageous for Republicans.

"I said:" Hey, that's good for us, "Trump said about the controversy. "Democrats want open borders, they want everyone, including the MS-13, to throw themselves into the country, and the Democrats do not like the ice, they are great people, brave and tough. .. They do not like Border Patrol, they do not like your police, they do not like anyone. "

Trump was visiting Columbia, South Carolina, where temperatures are expected to float in the 90s for most of the day before he takes the stage at a rally for Governor Henry McMaster.

Trump publicly supported McMaster after he was forced into a runoff election when he failed to clear 50% in a primary earlier this month.

Trump tweeted on Monday: "I will be going to one of my favorite places, in South Carolina, to fight for one of my first fighters, Governor Henry McMaster.

Supporting McMaster has become an effort of all the hands of the Trump administration. Vice President Mike Pence visited the conservative community of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on Saturday to appear before McMaster.

"I'm here because we're with Governor McMaster," Pence told the crowd, adding, "The result of the policies that Governor McMaster has championed at every stage of the process is quite remarkable.

Trump speeds up trip midway as Republicans worry about immigration debate

While his candidacy for the governorship progressed toward a Republican second round against John Warren, a 39-year-old businessman and veteran, McMaster picked up the phone and called the president, asking for his support, according to a familiar source. Trump easily won the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary here.

A White House official described the "easy" decision to go to McMaster State saying, "He was an early and ardent supporter of President Trump's. This official has viewed an upcoming schedule for the president that would include "more approvals and events" now that several of the primaries have taken place.

This person said that Trump or Pence would probably be on the track soon for Ron DeSantis, who is running for the Florida governor; and that there would also be a Trump commitment with Scott Wagner, GOP governor candidate in Pennsylvania.

McMaster was one of the first elected to support the Trump candidate in 2016. McMaster was at the White House at the end of May, where he joined other Republican governors for discuss the protection of the US border with Mexico. McMaster promised troops from the South Carolina National Guard to help with this effort.

Trump Supports South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster

Perhaps the only problem on which McMaster is publicly separated from the Trump administration is offshore drilling on the coast of South Carolina. A spokesman for the governor told CNN earlier this year that McMaster had appealed to Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke about the issue.

McMaster said in a statement earlier this week, "President Trump and Vice President Pence are changing the world", and that their willingness to campaign for him has shown "a testimony of the success of our great state."

"They defended themselves in the presidential race, they are very close and share the same priorities, which partly explains why they have such close relations," the press said. secretary Carolina Anderegg. She said the two men speak "often" personally or between their staffs. Trump has called McMaster twice last week while he was on the stretch.

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