Trump detonates Strzok-Page "a leak as a text" as a "disaster", an "embarrassment" for the FBI, the DOJ


Text messages between former FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, referring to "crazy" officials in the race for Russian complicity, are a "disaster and embarrassment" for the Justice Ministry, President Trump tweeted on Thursday .

Text Messages, first published by Fox News on Wednesday, are the latest evidence to support Trump's claim that elements of the government were trying to undermine it when Special Advisor Robert Mueller launched his investigation

"More text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are a disaster and embarrassment for the FBI and the GM. This should never have happened, but we are learning more and more at the present time. "The others were fleeing like crazy" to get the president! Trump tweeted, citing the Fox News report.

Fox News on Wednesday got new text messages between Strzok and Page dated December 15, 2016. The texts were part of a long exchange and appeared to reveal a potential flight operation for "political purposes."

"Oh, remind me to tell you tomorrow about when you made a story about rcc hacks," wrote Strzok.

"And more than they have already done? I told you that Quinn told me that they were doing everything possible to tell a story … "replied Strzok.

A source told Fox News that "Quinn" could refer to Richard Quinn, who was the head of the Media Advertising and Investigations Section at the FBI Public Affairs Office. Quinn could not be reached for a comment.

Strzok replied again, "Think our sisters have begun to sink like crazy. Contempt and worried, and political, they enter the race.

In one passage, Strzok apparently misinterpreted a reference to "rnc" as "mc", then, realizing his mistake, blamed his "old man's eyes".

It is not clear at this point what Strzok was referring to when he used the term "sisters", although some members of the intelligence community speculated that this could be in reference to another government agency.

There are 17 agencies in the intelligence community, including the CIA, the office of the director of national intelligence, the national security agency and the FBI.

The text "leaking like crazy" was published the same day that several media said that US intelligence officials were convinced that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved and approved the Russian interference in the election presidential election of 2016.

A few days earlier, the New York Times published an article titled "Russian hackers acted to help Trump in elections, according to the United States," citing "senior administration officials."

A story published by the New York Times weeks, January 10, 2017, suggested that Russian hackers "had limited access" to the Republican National Committee. January 10, 2017 is also the same day that BuzzFeed News published the infamous anti-Trump case.

By following the text on "the fleeing sisters," writes Strzok on the page:

"And we need to talk more about setting up C reports in our submission. They will downgrade everything … "

Page replied, "I know. But they will downgrade their business, how can we hold back … "

"We will have extraordinary questions. What we did what we do. I just want to make sure everyone is good and has thought through all the implications, "wrote Strzok. "The CD should bring it with the DD."

One source told Fox News that "C" is probably referring to classified information, while "CD" is the Cyber ​​Division and DD could refer to former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

In March, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe for disclosing unauthorized information to the media and "lacking openness" under oath on multiple occasions.

It is not known what "submission" Strzok and Page were referring to.

A source told Fox News that the messages were part of a Strzok-Page batch of communications recently released by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Michael Horowitz, and discovered as part of his investigation into the beginning of the FBI investigation in Russia.

A spokesman for the Inspector General declined to comment Fox News.

Strzok and Page were first highlighted last December, when it was revealed that Horowitz had discovered a series of anti-Trump text messages between the two officials, who were romantically involved.

Strzok and Page were both part of the team of Special Adviser Robert Mueller investigating Russian interference and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election. The page was part of the special advocate team on a brief detail, and she returned to the FBI's legal counsel office in July 2017.

The discovery of the anti-Trump messages exchanged with Page finally allowed Strzok to leave Mueller's team and reassign him last year to the FBI's Human Resources Office.

In July, Strzok lost his security clearance and was escorted from his FBI office. In August, Strzok was officially fired from the FBI.

Strzok and Page both testified on Capitol Hill this summer.


Horowitz published a 600-page report on the FBI's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private messaging server while running official business as a secretary of state.

The Inspector General's report found that some bureau officials "seemed to mix political opinion with discussions on the MYE investigation".


Horowitz, found no evidence that the political bias found had an impact on prosecution decisions in the Clinton e-mail survey.

Horowitz confirmed in June that he is currently investigating whether Strzok's anti-Trump bias was taken into account in launching the office's investigation in Russia.

Brooke Singman is a political reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @brookefoxnews.

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