Trump Documentary Fahrenheit 11/9 by Michael Moore Flops at the Box Office


Fahrenheit 11/9 It was not supposed to make much money at the box office this weekend, but it was expected that it would do a lot better than that. Michael Moore's anti-Donald Trump documentary is worth $ 3.1 million, putting it in eighth place this weekend. Trump and his followers are most likely very happy to see Moore's latest opus crash and burn him at the box office, but the director does not give up. Michael Moore will continue to simultaneously promote the film while trying to get more Americans to vote in mid-term elections in November.

One of the main theories behind the box office failure of Fahrenheit 11/9 is that the American public is tired of seeing Donald Trump, be it good or bad news. The information on the cable could just as easily be renamed to Trump TV, since that is just about all they cover, apart from a natural disaster, which also includes the president and his administration. So getting people to sit and watch Trump for two more hours in a movie theater can be a bit difficult right now, no matter what you think of the current president.

While Fahrenheit 11/9 Looks like a complete anti-Donald Trump documentary from start to finish, it's really in only about 20 minutes of the entire movie. The documentary tries to find out how and why Trump became president. The failure of the box office also comes down to criticism that Michael Moore continues to do the same movie over and over again. It is highly likely that right – wing conservatives will say that the documentary has failed because Moore ignores the truth, while hardcore leftists will say that they have already seen the film, even though it 's not fair. they are probably in agreement with his position.

Many believe that Fahrenheit 11/9 rather, it is a way of raising awareness in the upcoming mid-term elections, and that could very well be the case. Rumor had it that the film would go straight to the VOD market before November to try to get as many people as possible to watch it. There's a lot going on in the film, with Michael Moore throwing a lot of spectators in the hope that part of the campaign will motivate voters. It's a delicate situation and only time will tell if Moore has achieved his mission.

Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 was released in 2004, targeting the George W. Bush administration and earned more than 222 million dollars worldwide, making it the most profitable documentary of all time. Fahrenheit 11/9 will only make a fraction of this type of cash box during its theatrical release since times have changed a lot in the last 14 years. A very conflicting political climate seems to be a good time for a Moore documentary, but it is obviously not for everyone. For the moment, it may be wise for the director to find a new strategy for the future. Fahrenheit 11/9The box office figures were unveiled via Box Office Mojo.

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