Trump does not remember Lil Jon's "Celebrity Apprentice"


President Trump disconcerted journalists when he said he did not know who Celebrity Apprentice Candidate Lil Jon was interviewed about the Atlanta rapper at today's Batshit press. When a Yahoo News correspondent asked about Jon's claims in 2016, Trump called him "Uncle Tom" Apprentice "I do not know who Lil Jon is."

It is amazing to note that the rapper appeared two seasons in a row. Celebrity Apprentice and made it to the final four times. Second Lil Jon & # 39; s Celebrity Apprentice The relay took place in 2013 during the season "All-Star", which had opposed the fans' favorites. It's not like the rapper was "fired" after one or two episodes. The fact that the President can no longer remember the person with whom he spent hours filming scenes in the meeting room with a popular competitor is both incredible and unsurprising.

The reporter went on ahead and reminded Trump that Lil Jon was present on his show, to which the president responded. "Oh, he was there? D & # 39; AGREEMENT. Oh I see."

Here's Trump and Lil Jon in happier moments:

This story originally appeared on Spin.

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