Trump embraces the support of director David Lynch of "Twin Peaks & # 39;


President Trump has boasted Monday of the support of a pop culture figure, this time the reclusive art house director David Lynch.

The director, whose works include the TV show "Twin Peaks" and the films "Blue Velvet" and "Mulholland Drive", has long cultivated the image of the Hollywood enigma, a meditation enthusiast transcendental chain whose esoteric works can be as elusive as the interviews that it sometimes gives.

For this reason, it may seem like an unlikely candidate to be mentioned at a Trump rally in a high school gym in South Carolina.

But Lynch gave a discursive interview to the British newspaper The Guardian on Saturday, as part of a media blitz to mark the publication of a memoir, if you can call it so, in which the subject of Donald Trump's politics and politics appeared during One morning, chatting with a reporter in a studio in one of three adjacent houses that Lynch has in the Hollywood Hills.

Lynch said Trump had the potential to be "one of the greatest presidents in history," a statement that was quickly picked up and turned into a story on Breitbart's right website. .

So, Trump mentioned the director's name on stage in West Columbia, California on Monday night after an earlier retweet of the story.

"It's a guy from Hollywood," Trump said. "The reason I'm doing this is, you know, you do not hear that, and a lot of them voted for me."

He continued to read parts of the article on a piece of paper, including Lynch's quote on him, and Breitbart's statement that Lynch "now seems to believe that Trump may have been the right choice . "

For some observers, Lynch's comments could have been more difficult to analyze, just like everything the director has gotten hold of.

"He could become one of the greatest presidents in history because he has so upset the thing .Nobody is able to cleverly counter this guy," Lynch told the newspaper. . "Our so-called leaders can not move the country forward, they can not do anything, like children, they are, Trump has shown it all."

He told the Guardian that he was supporting Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary and probably voted on the libertarian ticket in the general election. And the Guardian noted that "Even though Trump may not be doing a good job, he thinks it's opening up a space where other strangers could do it." The newspaper provided no quote to support the statement.

Although Trump regularly slandered Hollywood celebrities against him or his policies, he was eager to embrace the few who came to him with open arms. He congratulated actress Roseanne Barr, a vocal supporter, when her show was brought back to ABC, then attacked the network after firing for a racist tweet. He praised rapper Kanye West after West made favorable remarks about him.

Lynch's remark attracted conviction and confusion.

"Someone at the next scrum has to ask what are the three favorite films of President David Lynch," wrote Dave Itzkoff of the New York Times wrote on Twitter.

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