Trump: Eric Holder "Better Be Careful" What He's Wishing For | Video


President Trump Responded to Possible 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate and General Attorney General Eric Holder saying to "kick" Republicans when they "go low." Trump said Holder should "be careful" for what he would like if he did run, the primaries would "gobble" him up.

"He'd better be careful what he's wishing for," he said. FOX & Friends on Thursday.

They hold to the rhetoric because it's very dangerous what Holder says, "the president also said.

Watch full interview below.

STEVE DOOCY, 'FOX AND FRIENDS' HOST: Well, somebody Do you think you're going to vote for you in 2020 – you're running for re-election right?


DOOCY: OK. Eric Holder, the former attorney general of the United States. He's not crazy about your agenda. And then he said this just a day ago. Listen to this, Mr. President.


ERIC HOLDER, TRAINING ATTORNEY GENERAL: It is time for us, as Democrats, to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are. What would you say, when they go low, we go high. No. No. When they go low, we kick 'em.

CROWD: Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight.

HOLDER: That's what – what is this new Democratic Party's about.


DOOCY: That's what this new Democratic Party is about, he said, Mr. President. And after he said we'll kick 'em, the whole room started clapping and cheering. What does that say to you about the tenor of politics right now?

TRUMP: He'd better be careful what he's wishing for, that I can tell you. He'll be careful what he's wishing for.

DOOCY: What do you mean?

TRUMP: That's a disgusting statement for him to make. For him to make a statement that is a very dangerous statement. You know, they talk about us. We are exactly opposite. You know the rallies where they send people. And my rallies are really calm and well-run and packed with people. We do not have problems at our rallies.

But they used to send in – they do not do it anymore. They have not. They 're probably – maybe they' ll try starting again, but they used to send in protesters. Paid protesters.

DOOCY: The Democrats would send them?

TRUMP: And they just – the Democrats and Soros and they came from all over. And we'd have protesters. And I would say this, that it was not so successful for those protesters. But Holder says.

And Holder was held in contempt by Congress. Holder went after Christians. He went after our great evangelicals. He went after the Tea Party people. You know that. They just settled – the IRS just settled that case. Holder is – he's got some problems. And I do not see him running. And if he did not run, I think he will get up to the election itself.


TRUMP: I think the primaries would gobble him up.

Full interview:

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