Trump floats Chief of Staff replacements amid reshuffle


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly is back in the spotlight this week as Trump prepares to review his team of communication.

In what became a board game in Trump in Washington, rumors circulated about Kelly's fate on Thursday as the president polled his allies about potential replacements for the retired four-star general. Kelly is credited with putting order in the West Wing but also on the president at full speed.

Two possible replacements: Trump's budget director, Mick Mulvaney, and vice-president Mike Pence's chief of staff, according to two people of Trump's thought. The sources spoke of anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss personnel matters.

Trump often talks openly about replacing his aides without follow-up, and rumors have circulated about Kelly and other non-action helpers. 19659009] The White House on Thursday rejected the idea that Kelly 's days in the west wing were numbered. White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said she had spoken to Trump and Kelly, and that both have disputed reports.

Trump "said that it was absolutely not true and that it was false news." I also spoke to General Kelly, who said that it was a new for him, "Walters said.

But the White House has already denied talking about impending personnel shocks that have come true later. Among the many White House staff members who have recently left or plan to attend in the coming weeks is Legislative Director Marc Short.

Kelly told his confidants that he was not planning to leave. according to a person with knowledge of his thought. But he also told people close to him that he would be happy if he reached the threshold of one year, which would mean that he would stay until the end of July. .

The latest speculation about Kelly come as he did. saw his role in the White House has declined in recent months.

Trump and Kelly walked away, as the president was irritated by the general's attempts at retirement to impose order. The President has increasingly followed his own advice and has added to his team more like-minded assistants, many of whom have direct access to the Oval Office without going through Kelly.

This list will soon include former Fox News editor Bill Shine, who Kelly has often joked publicly about the fact that working for Trump is the hardest job he's ever had, including those on the battlefield.

Trump spoke of replacing Kelly before and any staff changes must be considered temporary until he executes them. It is rare for the president to shoot directly at anyone, often leaving distressed helpers in limbo for months.

Ayers did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Mulvaney focuses on his current job, said an administration official who was not allowed to speak publicly about personnel issues.

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