Trump: Ford abandons plan to sell Chinese-made vehicles in US, but rates are just the beginning


President TrumpDonald John TrumpTiger Woods calls Nike's Kaepernick campaign "beautiful" The EPA lost more than 1,500 workers in the first 18 months of its administration: Trump report: said Sunday that Ford's decision to give up its previous plan to sell a Chinese-made vehicle in the United States because of its administration's tariffs was "only the beginning".

"Ford has brutally killed a plan to sell a small Chinese-made vehicle in the United States because of the prospect of higher US tariffs." CNBC. This is just the beginning, "Trump told a CNBC article Sunday.

"This car can now be built in the USA and Ford will not pay any fare!" he added.

In a subsequent tweet, the president also tore up American trade agreements with China.

"If the United States sells a car in China, there is a 25% tax." If China sells a car in the United States, there is a 2% tax. think it's FAIR? " he tweeted. "The days when the US has been scammed by other nations are MORE!"

Ford canceled plans at the end of last month to sell its new Focus Active, built in China, the United States next year. The company cited Trump's growing trade war for its decision.

"Our view on Focus Active was that, given the rates, our costs would obviously be much higher," said Kumar Galhotra, president of the automotive company's North America division, during a conference call.

Trump pledged Friday to pay an additional $ 267 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports, in addition to the $ 200 billion that he had already pledged.

Customs duties would therefore cover $ 467 billion of Chinese imports, in addition to the $ 50 billion already in place, for a total of $ 517 billion.

China has continued to respond with its own tariffs, which corresponds to the American movements. The country has not yet responded to Trump's latest threat.

Most companies recognize that trade agreements with China unfairly favor China over the United States. Yet many have also expressed concern over the implementation of these tariffs for fear of undermining US economic growth.

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