Trump greets the arrival of troops at the border while inflating Florida voters


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By Adam Edelman

President Donald Trump used Saturday night a tumultuous rally in Florida to convince Democrats of immigration and advocate for his own actions on the issue, including sending troops to the southern border.

"Did you look tonight? I sent American soldiers to our border. And I looked at these wonderful young people and I watched these generals give the orders, and I looked at them. I looked at the way they were working and saw these barbed wires being laid, barbed wire, "Trump told a crowd in Pensacola, where he was gathering voters ahead of Tuesday's midterm elections.

The remarks refer to the arrival of the first wave of more than 15,000 soldiers that Trump sent to help secure the southern border. Troops began installing wire fences topped with barbed wire earlier in the day on Saturday.

Trump, visiting the Sunshine State to campaign for GOP governor candidate Ron DeSantis and GOP Senate candidate Rick Scott, has criticized illegal immigration as a hot topic and on which he is doubled a few days before the elections on Tuesday. DeSantis and Scott both attended and spoke at the rally.

Trump said he was "a little suspicious of how these caravans get started," referring to the three caravans of migrants and refugees from Central America heading slowly toward the US border. The president added that it was perhaps a good thing "to do it", as it could have boosted the Republican base, seeming to blame the Democrats, without any evidence, the formation of the caravan.

Trump, who spoke for more than an hour, also devoted much of his speech to denigrating opponents of DeSantis and mayor of Scott-Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum, Democratic governor candidate and Democratic senator. exercise, Bill Nelson.

"Andrew Gillum is not equipped to be your governor. It's just not equipped. It's not for him, "said Trump. He knows it. He will not say it but he knows it. We must keep this state in good condition. "

A little earlier, he tore Nelson up for "never" having asked him for help for the state.

"I never see him. The only one I've ever seen is Crying Chuck, "said Trump, using his favorite nickname for the Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

"Senator Bill Nelson has never phoned to ask me to help," Trump said. "I do not see Bill Nelson before five and a half, and during the election he goes on television every night, but for five and a half years you do not see him."

The rally – which also featured a cameo from legendary former Florida State University legendary coach Bobby Bowden, now 88 – was the second rally by the president on Saturday. Trump travels the United States in the last days before mid-term to rally in the name of the Republican candidates.

Earlier Saturday, he led a rally in Montana and Sunday in Georgia and Tennessee.

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