Trump has stored money for his reelection


President Donald Trump's campaign has accumulated $ 33 million in his campaign account two and a half years before the next presidential election, new revelations show, and companies related to the president and his campaign manager benefit from Trump [19659002] Trump's properties were paid $ 150,000 by his campaign between the beginning of April and the end of June. The Trump campaign still pays for renting premises at Trump Tower, and it has spent additional funds for meals and accommodations at the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC and the Trump Doral Golf Resort in Miami during this period.

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] Parscale's consulting firm withdrew more than $ 1.3 million from the Trump campaign over the three-month period. Parscale joined Trump's reelection this spring.

The Trump campaign operation raised $ 18 million between April and the end of June overall, a slight decrease of $ 20 million dollars that he reaped during first three months of the year. In addition to the Trump campaign, the president has established two joint fundraising committees that raise funds between the campaign and the Republican National Committee.

Trump was the first president of history to be re-elected shortly after entering the White House. create a campaign account He had raised tens of millions of dollars even before the mid-term elections got under way, an unprecedented act for any president. The $ 33 million Trump had in his bank account at the end of June put him ahead of the presidential candidates.

The campaign spent $ 340,000 on legal fees in the last three months, significantly less than the $ 800,000 spent in the first three months of the year. The total expenses of the Trump campaign on legal issues for the year greater than $ 1 million.

Among the legal payments made by the Trump campaign during this time was a payment of $ 48,341 McDermott, Will & Emery, who represented until June Michael Cohen in several criminal investigations. The disclosure marked the payment as "legal consultation" but did not specify what the payment was for.

Trump supporters giving small amounts of money at a time continue to form the foundation of the campaign 's financial support: Trump raised $ 9.6 million over three months, about half of the total. all of its fundraisers, from donors who contributed for less than $ 200. In comparison, Trump Victory – a joint fundraising committee established with the Republican National Committee to collect large checks from wealthy Republicans – earned $ 4.4 million in total during this period

but many of the donations to six Figures Stanley Chera, who is active in the Sephardic Jewish community of the city, gave Trump Victory $ 169,500 on May 24, ten days after the opening of his embassy in Israel to Jerusalem by the United States.

The Trump campaign and the RNC also received $ 65,000 in May from executives from North Carolina-based steel producer Nucor, who was visited by the vice president. Mike Pence in June. Nucor's CEO, John Ferriola, donated $ 25,000 to Trump Victory on May 16, and nine other Nucor executives made smaller donations of $ 2,500 or $ 5,000 by the end of May. It was the first time that Ferriola and other leaders had donated to Trump Victory this cycle.

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