Trump hints during his first visit to Afghanistan and the United States


PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (REUTERS) – US President Donald Trump has hinted Thursday that he will visit Afghanistan, the scene of one of America's longest wars, but he still has to return almost two years later.

Transmitting a Thanksgiving holiday message by teleconference with troops in Afghanistan, Mr Trump told a US Air Force general that he would see him again in the United States, before adding: "Or maybe I'll even see you there. You never know what will happen. "

Recent US chief commanders have regularly visited troops in active war zones.

Mr. Trump was criticized for not having done so, but Vice President Mike Pence made a surprise visit to Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan last December to visit the troops.

At this stage of his presidency, former President Barack Obama has gone to Iraq and two to Afghanistan. Former President George W. Bush has twice been to Afghanistan and four times to Iraq during his two terms.

Mr. Trump was criticized when he canceled a scheduled visit to a large US military cemetery during his visit to Paris this month, as his helicopter was stuck in bad weather when he was on the run. a journey marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Back in Washington, Veterans' Day, he did not visit Arlington National Cemetery, later claiming he was "extremely busy" but admitting he should have done so.

Asked by a reporter if he would go to a war zone, Mr. Trump said, "In due course, we will do some very interesting things."

He was then asked if he knew the timing: "Yes, but I can not tell you. You are the last people I can talk to, "he told reporters.

Presidential trips to war zones are usually hidden in secrecy for security reasons. They are only revealed when the commander-in-chief has disembarked and sometimes only after leaving the area safely.

Responding to criticism that calling troops for Thanksgiving was not enough, Mr. Trump defended his actions, saying he had increased spending on the military and veterans.

Reporters on Wednesday asked US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis that he thought Trump should visit troops in war zones.

"The president is the commander-in-chief and he decides where to go. In some places, I do not want to, to be honest with you, for his safety and that of the troops, "said Mattis.

The United States has about 14,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, participating in the NATO-led Resolute Support training and advisory mission, as well as separate anti-terrorist operations against militant groups such as the United States. 39 Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

US troops arrived in Afghanistan in 2001 as part of the campaign to oust the Taliban following the September 11 attacks in the United States.

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