Trump hires a denier that, unlike climate science, against "Nazi propaganda"


President Donald Trump has appointed William Happer as "Senior Director of Emerging Applied Science" at the National Security Council.
But Mr Happer actually thinks that more carbon pollution "would be profitable" for humanity, as he wrote in a widely criticized Wall Street Journal 2013, entitled "In Carbon Dioxide Protection".
So great to discover someone who probably understands mostly emerging applied sciences well known for protecting the United States and all of humanity, reducing carbon pollution. Unfortunately, this continues the event of this administration giving up the best sector of the construction of jobs of the following years – of the neat energy – to the Chinese language and to the Europeans, who make a bet of tens of billions of dollars there -above.

Happer, a theoretical physicist from Princeton, is one of the most crude denials of climate science and, conversely, the irresistible scientific consensus that carbon dioxide causes global warming to "Nazi propaganda".
"It's George Orwell. That is to say, the Germans are the master of the flight. Jews are the scum of the earth. "This is this form of propaganda," said Princetonian in June 2009 on a long-established basis. "Carbon dioxide is no longer a pollutant, and every time you exhale, you breathe out air containing 4% carbon dioxide, and claim that it is a true pollutant. science has become correct in a cult.
In 2014, he told CNBC: "The demonization of carbon dioxide is a reality in the demonization of the unfortunate Jews under Hitler. Carbon dioxide is a regular profit for the field, as are Jews.

So, what exactly are his skills to be a top presidential adviser on "Emerging Applied Science" at the National Security Council?
His undeniable title of reference is that he held the position of Director of the Energy Division Administrative Center (DOE) in charge of energy presentation, chaired by George H. W. Bush. But a quarter of a century ago, DOE's Energy Overview program is focused on very long-term studies (looking at excess energy physics), as opposed to more applied studies on emerging applied sciences.
Since then, Happer has gone a long way from scientific facts to become a scientifically funded fossil fueled denier.
For many years, he served as chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute's board of directors, which was previously funded by the Koch brothers to promote the rejection of climate science. The Institute was closed in 2015 and has undoubtedly reopened under the new title, the Coalition CO2, which promotes the benefits of more CO2 and spreads climate misinformation

He also writes and co-leads the anti-scientific editorials of the Wall Road Journal. In 2012, let's praise him, he co-signed another that has been debunked by three dozen climate scientists – co-signers have been described as "Dentists working in the field of cardiology".
According to an editorial of the 2013 Wall Road Journal, pro-CO2 by Mr. Happer, "in the era of rising populations and the shortage of food and water in some areas, it is a wonder that humanitarians are clamoring for no more atmospheric carbon dioxide.
This fantasy has been largely debunked (investigation, jabber, Skeptical Science). Toddle plus CO2 can help crops grow – in case they also clean more water and various nutrients. But more CO2 is a misfortune for people, as billions of people are currently living in areas that may be flooded or become sludge or become too hot for people when temperatures rise due to carbon emissions. reviewed by Trump White Dwelling himself acknowledged this closure in November.

The fact is that Mr. Happer knows little about emerging applied sciences or threats to the national security of the United States, but he knows very well how to negate climate science. And, unfortunately, this seems to be the most practical qualification you will have to be half of Trump's staff at the moment.

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