Trump hits Woodward's book as "a total joke", promises to write a "real book"


President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump officials announce the closure of the Palestine Liberation Organization's office in DC: report that Jack Ma of Alibaba will step down as president in 2019 Trump is expected to downgrade Carter Page soon Bruce Ohr: PLUS report On Monday morning, veteran journalist Bob Woodward was accused of "total joke", vowing to write his own "real book".

"Woodward's book is a joke – just another assault on me, in a flood of aggression, using unnamed anonymous and anonymous sources," tweeted Trump. "Many have already come to say that the quotes, like the book, are fiction, the Dems can not bear to lose, I'm going to write the real book!"

The White House has spent days pushing Woodward's next book, "Fear: Trump in the White House". The president said the Watergate journalist was a "fool", while White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the book was full of "fabricated" stories.

Trump, in a tweet later Monday morning, insisted that the White House is a "machine that works well."

"We are doing some of the most important and important transactions in our country's history – with many more to come!" he said. "Dems go crazy!"

Excerpts from Woodward released last week describe a chaotic White House in which staff members sometimes seek to deflect Trump's impulses and regularly denigrate the president behind closed doors.

Woodward at a Sunday CBS interview said he's standing at his reports.

"My report is meticulous and cautious," Woodward said, noting that the former White House president, Nixon, was also seeking to undermine his credibility as he and Carl Bernstein covered the Washington Post's Watergate scandal. .

Woodward added that he believed that people had to "wake up" to what was happening at the White House.

–This report was last updated at 7:46 am

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