Trump: "I do not call it tweeting. I call it social media & # 39;


President TrumpDonald John TrumpThe five takeaways of Cruz, the debate between O & # 39; Rourke and Arpaio sues defamation against New York Times Christine Lagarde IMF delays her trip to the Middle East MORE Wednesday said that no one at the White House had tried to take away his phone to prevent him from using Twitter, adding that he was not considering what to do. he was doing on Twitter.

"These are social media. I do not call it tweeting, "said Trump in an interview with Fox Business. I call it a social media. "

The president also said that he was engaging in social media because there was "so much misinformation broadcast".

"This is my only form of communication, apart from organizing a press conference every hour," said Trump.

Trump is known for his critical tweets, often directed against his opponents and to defend his politics. On Tuesday, he tweeted more than 10 times to attack people like Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenPavlich: Left's identity politics collapses Graham: It would be "terrible, terrible" if a DNA test revealed that I was an Iranian-Iranian group calling Graham to apologize for a "disgusting" DNA remark " MORE (D-Mass.), A potential challenger for 2020 and adult movie star Stormy Daniels, who sued the president in court.

Trump called Daniels "Horseface" in a tweet, eliciting criticism from Republican and Democratic lawmakers.

Trump's tweets would have caused problems in the White House. Veteran journalist Bob Woodward noted in his recent book "Fear: Trump in the White House" that the highest officials, including the former director of communications Hope Hicks tried unsuccessfully to persuade Trump to have his tweets checked before publishing them.

First lady Melania TrumpMelania TrumpThe Morning's Morning Report – Presented by the Coalition for Affordable Prescription Drugs – Investigations: White women educated in college decide if Dems will capture the door of Melania House calling for a boycott of TI on the video The Hill & 12:30 King | How Trump Could Work With a Dem House | Trump travels to Florida to see the damage caused by Hurricane PLUS joked this month saying that she asked the president to put down her phone.

"I do not always agree with what he tweets, and I tell him," she told reporters in Egypt during his tour of Africa. "Sometimes he listens and sometimes does not."

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